Fit to Print Volume 24 Issue 2 June 2015 | Page 22

M e m b e r Pe r s p e c t i v e by Dolores Falco Breaking Through Determination, a Great Trainer & The Contest lbs. Dolores now... Funny thing is, I thought I still looked pretty good, especially considering everything we had gone thru for the past 7 years. My husband didn’t seem too concerned with how much weight I had gained. He knew that I was fighting for our son’s life and that was my priority. After years of fighting for my son, he was finally healthy, and I no longer knew what to do with myself. I felt lost and became depressed. I Friends who haven’t seen me in a while cry when they realize how big I was and how much I lost. I was always pretty And then... thin, not necessarily fit, but healthy enough. Never concerned about my weight, it always came off, never had to really exercise or diet. It was very natural for me to be thin. After getting married and having back to back to back pregnancies and not ever losing the weight in between, I started packing on the pounds. Never thought I would become overweight, definitely not morbidly obese - I am a mom to 3 young boys, who keep me on my toes, running around all the time, losing weight should be easy, but it wasn’t. My middle child was very sick, born with 2 extremely rare birth defects —one of his airway and the other of his immune system—that took until he was 7 years of age to get under control. All my time and energy went into keeping him alive and healthy. We lived in and out of hospitals, fought with Doctors and insurance companies, all to get him what he needed. I was always eating unhealthy food and being very sedentary, not being concerned with my own health, just the health and well-being of my son. After two open heart chest reconstructions and getting his immune system under control, we were finally able to get him healthy. In the meantime, I had packed on 100 22 continued to eat unhealthy and be sedentary because that is what I had done for the past 7 years. I started trying to get my son’s story out there, but no one responded. Until one day someone wanted to know more, not about him, but about me. In September 2013, I had appeared on the Dr. Oz show for yelling too much at my kids (tried to go on about my son and what he had gone through). They made me go for a physical and do all sorts of medical tests for the show. According to my blood tests, I was pretty healthy, so I figured I was good. It wasn’t until they told me they may put my weight on national television, that it hit me. Thank God they didn’t put my weight out there for the world to see—they would have elevated my heart rate from yelling! I was shocked to find out I weighed 260 lbs. How did this happen? I never had a weight problem before. I didn’t think I looked that big, but the reality started setting in. Right after my appearance, I started walking around the park for 2hrs 5 days a week and increased my water intake. Cut out all sugary drinks and started losing weight. I rapidly lost 25lbs, but Summer 2015 FIT to Print then plateaued there for a long time. I had seen a difference in my clothes, but not enough. I was still shopping in the plus-size stores, and wasn’t happy about it at all. I vowed to myself I would get to my goal and not have to be in the plus size stores anymore. In July of 2014, I joined Fitness Incentive, after a good friend had told me about her gym and how great a gym it was. I was impressed with the gym immediately. I started slow, joining a class here or there, doing the circuit and cardio, a couple of days a week. I lost a pound here or there, not really seeing results. But I was still there as much as possible. I wouldn’t allow myself to gain any of the weight back. One day while on the treadmill, I saw an ad for the “Battle of the Bulge – Fall Off”, and immediately thought I should do this. I signed up the next day. October 2014 everything about my weight-loss journey changed. As soon as I met Eileen, I knew I could do this I had real goals, a plan to follow and the support I needed. Of course I had the love and support of my husband and family, but I needed it at the gym as well. I don’t think I was ready for what I had entered into, but what a difference working with Eileen had made. In the first contest, I lost 24 lbs in 8 weeks. I finally had broken the plateau. It took a lot of hard work and changing my lifestyle to get me to do that. But wow, I finally saw a huge difference in the way my body looked and how I felt. I then immediately entered her next contest for the holidays. That was hard to do, not to indulge over the holidays but I did it. I lost another 6 lbs from Thanksgiving to New Years. I was amazed. People were constantly telling me how great I looked, but I knew I still had a long way to go. My husband was amazed with the amount of energy I had gained and how good I looked. I then immediately joined her next contest, but unfortunately I was continually sick with sinus infections and bronchitis. I didn’t let it get me down, but it made it very difficult for me to lose any weight. I was now stuck at a plateau for 3 months. I was perplexed as to how to beat this plateau. I was doing all the workouts, taking all the classes, doing whatever I could, but the plateau wouldn’t break. I was down a total of 60lbs by January, but by March, I was still stuck. I talked with Eileen about the “Big” contest, not sure if I should do it – what if my kids get sick, what if I continued on page 27, col 3