Fit to Print Volume 24 Issue 1 March 2015 | Page 27

Spring Into Action! continued from page 24 Sit tall with your legs out in front of you. Neutralize your spine, squaring your shoulders over your hips. Squeeze your legs together and flex your feet. Press your hands flat on the mat along side your hips. Look down toward your legs as you flex your spine at the waist, use your upper body strength to lift your butt and upper legs off the floor. Pull your hips back behind you and then return them under your shoulders “swinging” yourself forward and back a few times before returning to start. Repeat 5 sets. Note: Do not sink into your shoulders…keep lifting “out of your armpits” Variations: Outdoor ideas: Sit with your feet against the face of the lowest step. Sit on a step with feet lower and perform exercise lifting your butt off the step and not touching butt to step until you come to rest. 8. Sneaky Sparklers Tendon Stretch 1 How to do it: Stand tall with heals together and toes apart in a small “v” position Pilates stance. Hold your light weights down by your thighs. Turn them in to slightly face each other. Start making small circles as if you are twirling sparklers on the Fourth of July. Make eight circles as you move the arms up and eight circles to move the arms back down to the start position. Repeat 3 to 5 times. Be sure not to shrug the shoulders and to keep the body still in neutral spine. Variations: Advanced challenge: Balance on one foot. Outdoor ideas: Hold something a bit heavier like small watering cans filled with water or small bags of seeds, small flour pots full of soil or even small potting soil bags instead of weights. Balance on a step. 9. Standing Leg lifts Get your heart rate up while sculpting the legs!!! How to do it: Stand with your arms crossed in front to you at shoulder height. Keep your spine in neutral with your abs tight and lift your right knee up toward your right elbow…only as high as you can without bending your spine or leaning forward or back. Lower the leg quickly and repeat on the other side. Keep switching sides for a total of 10 on each leg. Variations: Jump up and down on a step - one rep on the step, one rep off the step…repeat alternating. Finish: Once you get your breath back, come back to the floor and come into a plank high up on the hands. Hold for 1 to two minutes in neutral spine. Lower down to the knees, and sit back to your heels with feet together and knees wide bringing your head to the floor. Rest here for 8 to 10 breaths. Slowly come up to sit and then down to lie on your back. Bring your knees into your chest and take some deep, long, slow breaths. Stretch your body out long on your back and rest here, allowing your body to breathe itself. Stay here for 5 to 10 minutes, until you feel ready to get up! Once you have conquered the mechanics of these exercises, you will be surprised at how little time they take, yet how effective they truly are! Don't wait, start today!!! SPRING INTO ACTION!!! Summer is right around the corner!! If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the exercises, email me at: Variations: Advanced challenge …do more reps. Add straight leg kick at the top of the leg lift. Outdoor ideas: Stand on a step, bench or retaining wall ledge. Tendon Stretch 2 This is a “sneaky” arm toner that strengthens and tones the enti ɔ