Fit to Print Volume 24 Issue 1 March 2015 | Page 24

Spring Into Action! continued from page 9 3. Chest Curl/Neck Peel If curling up into crunches or chest curls gives you a sore neck, this is a great alternative for you to try! Grab a towel or resistance band. How to do it: Lie down with your knees bent, feet flat on floor. Tuck one end of the towel or band under your middle back. Grab the other end of the towel/band with both hands above your head. Exhale, use your abs to curl your head and shoulders off the floor while letting your head rest against the towel/band, maintain neutral pelvis. Inhale, return back to start position. Do 5 to 8 reps. Make sure you are lifting from the abs, not the head and shoulders. Let the abs do the work!!!! 4. Neutral Spine Twist and Lean Hold onto that resistance band. You can use it for this great waist-toning move too! Shoulder Bridge Shoulder Bridge Variation How to do it: Sit tall with your legs stretched out in front of you a little wider than hipdistance apart. Hold the band between your hands and raise your arms 24 overhead. Keep your hips squared and your spine in neutral as you exhale, rotate your trunk from the waist to the right. Inhale, lengthen the spine a little more, and, staying in rotation, exhale and lean back a few inches without moving your legs or hips and without flexing or arching your back. Keep the arms reaching up. Exhale, return back to center. Alternate sides repeating for a total of four sets per side. Variations: Outdoor ideas: Sit facing the bottom step of your stoop or deck and keep feet flexed up and touching face of the bottom step