Fit to Print Volume 23 Issue 3 September 2014 | Page 9

Contest 2014 Compiled By Paul Smith Your Goal...Your Reward Tales From the 2014 Fit for Summer Challenge E very March since 2009 Fitness Joe Ilardi Incentive has sponsored a fitness contest. They've become a veritable rite of spring. Members look forward to it as the kickoff of the warmer weather and the kick in the you- know-what they need to get themselves in swimsuit shape by summer. This past spring was no different. We had another contest, except this year the format was dramatically different. Instead of teams of four as we had had in all the previous contests, this one was all about individuals. Rather than uniform pre-determined one-size-fits-all measurements of success, as there were in years prior, the 2014 version was about individual goals established by the contestants themselves (and their trainers). This Fit for Summer Challenge was aptly and accurately promoted with the slogans “Your Goal…Your Reward” and “The Only Opponent Is Within.” Well over 100 contestants—both members and non-members alike—took up the challenge and dared to declare their goal. Trainers and challengers were paired up, and the game was on! The contest ran from March 1st through May 31st and the results were tabulated (and published on our website) in early June. As in years past, contestants achieved some amazing success (and a number of success stories…thanks go out to those who shared). Many of the declared goals were met or surpassed, and even the challengers who fell short of their ambitious goals made significant progress. There was a good deal of positive and appreciative feedback from all. What follows is a selection of results, remarks, and reflections from some of the many who participated, many of whom were present at the Fit for Summer Celebration Party, which was itself dramatically different from those of years past. Despite a somewhat gloomy grey rain-threatening early summer sky, a splendid time was had by all aboard the Moon Chaser out of Captree, where celebrants enjoyed great tunes, sea breezes, an open bar and incomparable views of the Great South Bay. Joseph Ilardi trained by Sue Brunjes. “I noticed the signs posted around the gym,” says Joe, “and also received emails and Facebook posts. My son, John, is dating Jourdan Brown. So the two of them, along with my wife, Teri, encouraged me to take the challenge. My wife and I also had a trip to South Beach scheduled for June so that gave me more motivation to lose weight and For 25 years, Fitness Incentive has provided the foundation for taking me where I want to go on my fitness path. This Challenge was another step forward." - Lisa Hoffman get back into shape. My fitness history before the challenge consisted mostly of cardio on the treadmill, elliptical, and the bike—but no real weight training. I'd never participated in the Fit for Summer Challenges before because I thought I wouldn't have the time to do it. Then, the gym at work closed down in November, 2013, so I wasn't doing much and I thought the contest would be a good idea to help get me back on track. Sue Brunjes has been great. During our first meeting we discussed things I would like to accomplish and what my goals were. She put together a great program that would challenge me each week, including strength and core training and all-around fitness. I trained with Sue twice a week for 3 months. She gave me focus and the motivation to reach my goal. I was amazed at how much you can accomplish in a 30 minute training session. The greatest lasting effect that I got out of the training sessions is Autumn 2014 FIT to Print to push yourself when you can, but listen to your body and back off if you need to. The most challenging part of the contest was the first few training sessions and not knowing what they would be like. I'd never worked with a trainer before so I didn't know what I was in for. My wife had been working with a trainer at Fitness Incentive, so she was very insightful in terms of what I could expect. I guess that bit of uncertainty is itself an aspect of the challenge. I think my favorite part of the challenge was watching the weight on the scale and my body fat percentage go down. Just learning how to train the right way and stay focused was a big plus. I was able to lose over 20 lbs. and lose 6% body fat so that was a pretty good feeling at the end of the challenge. It actually motivated me to continue on this path with another round of training sessions for a new goal. It's a great feeling fitting into clothes that I thought I would never get back into. It's one thing to say you want to lose weight and it’s another to actually do it and see the results. I know it gets tougher as you get older to try to lose weight, but if you put your mind to it you can do anything and I'm glad I was put to the challenge. I feel great and have more energy again. I want to thank Rachel (Ezelius, FI's Eat Smart Registered Dietitian) for her sessions during the challenge. They helped guide me toward a much healthier diet and eating habits. I know my wife always tries to get me to eat right, but sometimes I would slack off and not do the right thing. But now something just clicked and I have been focused on doing the right thing with exercising and eating right. I also want to thank Jourdan for suggesting Sue as my trainer. Along with my family they were all a driving force behind me and forced me to challenge myself each and every day.” "Joe is an example of a contestant who, while he didn't meet his declared goal of 23 pounds of weight lost, still saw wonderful results,” says Sue. "His body fat percentage decreased from 32.0 percent 26.1%. His waist went from 41.5 inches to 36.25 inches, and his hips from 42 inches to 39 inches. He did a terrific job!" Lynn Downey trained by Eileen Jacinth “I first heard about the contest from a neighbor, Billy Boyle (2009 Lynn Downey continued on page 24 9