Fit to Print Volume 23 Issue 3 September 2014 | Page 6

M i n d B o d y S p i rby Monica Jones it by Dina Voigt Are You Man Enough? For Pilates, That Is... I cannot tell you how many times over the years that I have heard men say: “Pilates is for girls”, “Pilates is easy”, “I don't need that stretching stuff”….etc. I can, however, tell you, that many times over, I have disproved those statements. More men are turning to Pilates as they find it to be a fabulous compliment to help them become more proficient and be safer in the sports and recreational activities they love. Surprisingly, they are finding how much Pilates helps them in their daily lives to relieve muscle pain, gain balance and feel good overall. Many professional male athletes practice Pilates regularly to improve their performance. For runners, cyclists, swimmers, golfers, tennis players, triathletes and more, Pilates can help improve performance and avoid injury as well as sustain longevity in the sport you love. Pilates incorporates dynamic stretching which creates and maintains pliability of the muscles, especially great for runners and cyclists. The increase of core strength is an enormous benefit for athletes and non-athletes alike and will help protect the spine and back from injury. Improved sense of balance benefits a golf swing or backhand. Also especially beneficial to golfers and tennis players is the increase in spine and hip flexibility which is foundational in those sports. The body in general learns to counteract the imbalance created from the one-sided repetitive motions of those sports. While Pilates is beneficial for athletes….How does it help “nonathletes”? Basically in the same way! Many Pilates movements mimic the way our bodies move during a busy, active day. Practicing Pilates on a regular basis strengthens the deep postural muscles, strengthening the deep front and back muscles in the core. It stretches the tighter muscles while strengthening weaker ones, improves coordination, improves breathing and blood flow in the body…among many other things. Pilates will not just benefit you if you are an athlete. An example: For those non-athletes who spend hours at a desk, in the car, on the 6 train…PILATES WILL HELP!! Prolonged sitting is constant flexion of the hip. This results in tight, weak hip flexors and imbalance in the pelvis as well as the front and back of the legs and can cause lower back pain. Pilates strengthens and lengthens the hip flexors which helps neutralize the stress from excessive sitting, thereby relieving that lower back pain. In addition, Pilates also lengthens the chest muscles and strengthens the back muscles which in turn counteracts the forward rolling of the shoulders that is also a result of Kevin D. on the reformer prolonged sitting. Strengthening the core and learning proper body mechanics can keep the body strong, healthy and injury free which can be extremely beneficial while doing “everyday” things like yard work, mowing the lawn, home repairs and playing with your children. These are just a few reasons why Pilates is great for men, athletes and non-athletes alike. You don't have to take my word for it…let's hear from some REAL men who practice Pilates regularly. I sat down with a few of my clients and asked them some questions: Kevin D. DV: How long have you been doing Pilates? KD: I have been doing Pilates for about two years. DV: Tell me a little bit about your Autumn 2014 FIT to Print fitness background. KD: I always exercised but not really consistently. I have always been pretty lucky with my health. However, now that I am in my 40's I started to put on weight. I never felt fat, I was able to move, lift weights, etc. but when I saw some pictures of myself, I noticed my growing waistline. I noticed my asthma getting worse and I was using my inhaler a lot more frequently. I knew if I kept doing what I was doing, I would continue to get the same results…My belly was the size of the Michelin Man! I have a family history of heart disease and cancer. I have a young god-daughter whom I adore and I want VBF