Fit to Print Volume 23 Issue 3 September 2014 | Page 24

Fit for Summer 2014 continued from page 9 is particularly true of what I learned about eating right and training correctly. The most difficult or challenging dimension of the contest is the same as it is with life in general—having the will power and determination to continue to be successful. A good support system is probably one of the most important factors! That and, of course, my favorite part of the contest—results and success!” Kevin Dignam trained by Dina Voigt "Having gone through a lifetime of weight fluctuations, up and down, I now believe I have finally learned the discipline required to make this a permanent lifestyle change for the better while still enjoying myself. I may have finished just short of my declared goal, but I'm proud of what I accomplished thus far...the Contest may be over but my self-improvement program is not!" Individual and Team champion),” says Lynn. “I saw how successful he was with his own Fit 4 Summer contest Lisa Hoffman trained by Joe experiences. The following year, I again Michelle Waltz trained by Jim Cordova Skorubski saw successful results from my friend "Michelle lost 20.5 lbs," says Jim. "She "Joe and I talked at great length about Laurie Wills. So, I inquired and asked a lost a steady