Fishhound Magazine 010 | Page 11

of water and the bottom was fairly soft. As soon as the pole hit the bottom I tapped on the t-handle and pushed it another 12” into the lake bottom. I honestly could have stayed still in that spot for the rest of the day without any problems. The anchor system held 100% which allowed me to worry about fishing the cover as opposed to trying to control my boat in the wind. The only motion out of the boat was an up and down motion from the small incoming waves; otherwise the boat was perfectly motionless. It took me about 2 minutes to realize that this product is perfect. Many other times that day I pulled up on cover and simply slid the pole in the brake system and knew it would hold me exactly where I wanted. When you’re not using the anchor you simply pull it out of the brake system and stow it away back on deck in the provided clips; it really doesn’t get an simpler than that. But needless to say; I was able to catch many Bass that day because I was able to sit on the cover indefinitely. The pole is available in a 7’, 8’ or 10’ model (or a smaller 5.5’ version for kayaks). With the height of the installation on my boat I can easily anchor in 5-1/2’ of water; that allows for the mount height and also another 12” into the lake bottom. The pin itself is made of a highly flexible and durable reinforced resin material which is built to last for many years. My overall thoughts on this product; I wish I would have found it years ago. There’s so many gimmicks out there now-a-days and I honestly wondered if this was one of them. Believe me; it’s not. This product actually exceeded all of my expectations. It does exactly what Russ said it would do (and better). So check out their website at www. and do not hesitate to call Russ if you have any questions. You might think upon your first inspection of the website that this is a salt water product but believe me; its geared for all of us Bass fisherman as well. This product has already upped my game and it can do the same for you as well. The 8’ kit with brake that I tested is available off of their website for a mere $144.95. We all spend hundreds each year in search of the latest and greatest baits; this product will certainly help you catch more Bass as well. Give Russ a call at 941-815-6875 or email him at [email protected] and tell him that you read about his system in Bassin’ Magazine. He is even offering free shipping for a limited time. My final grade on this product is a DEFINITE A+. This article was brought you by To see this and other incredible articles like this go to FHM Fishhound Mag | Page 10