Fish Sniffer On Demand Digital Edition Issue 3626 Dec 8- 22 2017 | Page 5

... Ask Brooke ! brooke @ fishsniffer . com
VOL . 36 • ISS . 26

Hey Dan ! — Letters To The Editor

What ’ s on your mind ? Do you have something you ’ d like to share with us and our readers ? A picture ... a story ... a question to ask , or an answer to another ?
Let ’ s hear your compliments , or your gripes ! Whatever it is , send it to : HEY , DAN !, c / o Fish Sniffer Publications , The Fish Sniffer - P . O . Box 776 , Colfax , CA 95713 , or you can now e-mail it at danielbacher @ fishsniffer . com . Please enclose a self-addressed , stamped envelope for the return of pictures or text . Thanks !
Union of Concerned Scientists Tackles California Water ’ s Climate Change Challenges
Hey Dan !
In the last week , the Union of Concerned Scientists have published two exceptional blog posts about how to better manage California ’ s water in the wake of climate change .
Western states senior climate analyst for UCS , Adrienne Alvord reveals the need to improve climate change modeling practices and data literacy among water management officials in her blog post , “ Water in an Uncertain Future : Planning the New Normal .” Alvord explains ,
“ Researchers and scientists at UCS and the Stanford Law and Policy Lab released a report today that says much more needs to be done to ensure adequate groundwater management , and , by extension , overall water management in an era of rapid climate change .
“ The report found nearly half of the 24 groundwater plans analyzed did not include the kind of quantitative analysis of climate change required by the state .
“ The researchers also found that state and federal water delivery projections that local agencies rely upon to make water management decisions are inconsistent and therefore confusing to use . They found that too often models were used inappropriately or with unreliable assumptions . For example , many agencies were not using a range of climate data but relying on ‘ moderate ’ scenarios to plan — a bit like planning for a ‘ moderate ’ earthquake rather than the maximum force that can result in damage to life and property .”
Western states senior climate analyst at UCS , Jamesine Rogers Gibson pens “ Climate change is here . Can California ’ s infrastructure handle it ?,” a thoughtful piece about investing in “ climate-smart ” infrastructure , based on findings in her recent whitepaper “ Built to Last .” Rogers Gibson writes ,
“ Climate-smart also can reduce heat-trapping emissions , spend limited public funds wisely , and prioritize equitable infrastructure decisions . This last point is important because some communities in California are more vulnerable to both climate impacts and infrastructure failure due in part to decades of underinvestment and disinvestment , especially in many low-income communities , communities of color , and tribal communities .
“ When done right , the results can be innovative infrastructure solutions , like the Blue Lake Rancheria microgrid , that bring social , economic , health , and environmental benefits to Californians AND protect us from the weather extremes we are inevitably facing . More examples of climate-smart principles in action are described in the white paper , and some are shown in the accompanying StoryMap .
“ This is especially important in light of the billions of taxpayer dollars the state is planning on spending on new longlived infrastructure projects . Many more billions will be spent on maintenance and retrofitting of existing infrastructure over the next few years . These projects must be able to function reliably and safely despite worsening climate impacts over the coming decades . Otherwise , we risk building costly systems that will fail well before their intended lifespans .” ~ Nora Kovaleski , Restore the Delta
Hey Nora !
Thanks for sharing the information from the Union of Concerned Scientists about how to better manage California water in the wake of climate change . There is no doubt much to be done in overall water management in an era of rapid climate change . The Delta Tunnels will do nothing to advance good water management for the future – and will instead cause immense harm to imperiled Sacramento winter-run Chinook salmon , Central Valley steelhead , Delta and longfin smelt , green sturgeon and other fish populations .
~ Dan
Shasta Fish Passage Evaluation Scoping Report Released
Hey Dan !
The Bureau of Reclamation would like to inform you that the scoping report for the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for the Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation has been prepared and uploaded to the project website : https :// www . usbr . gov / mp / BayDeltaOffice / shasta-dam-fish-pass . html
The Shasta Dam Fish Passage Evaluation ( SDFPE ) is an effort to evaluate the feasibility of reintroducing Chinook salmon and steelhead to tributaries above Shasta Lake . A Fish Passage Pilot Implementation Plan is being developed with the National Marine Fisheries Service ( NMFS ), the U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service , the U . S . Forest Service , the California Department of Water Resources , the California Department of Fish and Wildlife , and the California State Water Board .
The SDFPE is part of Reclamation ’ s response to the June 4 , 2009 , Biological Opinion ( BO ) and Conference Opinion on the Long-Term Operation of the Central Valley Project ( CVP ) and State Water Project ( SWP ) by NMFS .
The NMFS BO concluded that , as proposed , CVP and SWP operations were likely to jeopardize the continued existence of four federally- listed anadromous fish species : Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon , Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon , California Central Valley steelhead , and the Southern distinct population segment of the North American green sturgeon . The BO set forth a Reasonable and Prudent Alternative ( RPA ) that allows continued operation of the CVP and SWP in compliance with the federal Endangered Species Act ( ESA ).
The NMFS RPA includes a Fish Passage Program ( Action V ) to evaluate the reintroduction of winter-run and spring-run Chinook salmon and steelhead . Action V of the RPA applies to three dams operated by Reclamation : Shasta , Folsom , and New Melones . The near-term goal for Action V is to increase the geographic distribution and abundance of the listed fish . The long-term goal is to increase abundance , productivity , and spatial distribution , and to improve the life history , health , and genetic diversity of the target species .
Reclamation wanted to pass this information along to all interested parties . Thank you for your interest in this project an please feel free to contact me with questions .
~ Carolyn Bragg , Bureau of Reclamation
Hey Carolyn !
I strongly urge you to adopt the Winnemem Wintu Tribe ’ s proposal to restore winter-run Chinook salmon to the McCloud River above Shasta Dam – and to work with them and Maori and New Zealand government officials to bring the eggs of the original winter run fish from New Zealand back to California to reintroduce them into the McCloud .
~ Dan


Gabe ( Right ) gets a little help from Captain Jonathan Smith showing off the massive 30 plus pound lingcod he caught during the Cal Kellogg School of Fishing event aboard the Happy Hooker on November 16 . In California , lingcod over 30 pounds are rare and represent the fish of a lifetime for many bottom fishing enthusiasts . Gabe fooled the fish with a frozen mackerel . As of press time , lingcod , rockfish and crab fishing was going strong for anglers departing from East Bay ports . The best bottomfish action is taking place at the Farallon Islands , while the sand bars beyond the Golden Gate Bridge are where you ’ ll find the crabs . Photo by CAL KELLOGG , Fish Sniffer Staff .

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Dec . 8 - 22 , 2017
Established 1982
CALIFORNIA-NEVADA EDITION “ The No . 1 Newspaper Dedicated Entirely To Northern California Sportsmen !” Published By NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ANGLER PUBLICATIONS , INC . The Fish Sniffer P . O . Box 776 , Colfax , CA 95713 Toll-Free ( 800 ) 748-6599 www . fishsniffer . com
CAL KELLOGG ’ S E-MAIL : calkellogg @. fishsniffer . com EDITORIAL E-MAIL : danielbacher @. fishsniffer . com
FOUNDERS Harold A . ( Hal ) Bonslett ( 1937-2000 ) Winnie A . Bonslett
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