First Words Winter 2017 | Page 46

A-Z of Multiples

Anatomy (brain). Being a parent of multiples means juggling thousands of thoughts and not knowing which one should take priority.

Breast or bottle? Feeding more than one can sound daunting, but our feeding page will hopefully put you at ease. You may also wish to sign up to a breastfeeding webinar..

Clubs. A chance to meet other parents of multiples who understand what you’re going through. Find your local club here.

Dinner. Ahhh the joyous and thankless task that is dinner time with toddlers. Why would they make life easy? That would be silly!

Expecting. If you’ve just found out you’re pregnant with twins, triplets or more, start at the very beginning - our pregnancy pages.

Favourite. Our favourite sayings as a parent of multiples. We heard our own parents saying them and now we internally cringe when we use them on our own kids. "I don't care who started it!" Oh the irony!

Getting out the house. Our non-parenting friends might not appreciate the joyous independence of sporadic pops to the shops for bread and milk, but life as a parent of multiples can sometimes be a struggle – have you SEEN the size of our buggies? If things are getting on top of you there is always someone to listen and help. Twinline is open 10am-1pm and 7pm-10pm every day of the year. Call 0800 138 0509 or email anytime on [email protected].

Hugs. Double, triple and quadruple hugs are the best.

Individuality. We love how similar they are. We love how different they are. How do you enhance your multiples’ sense of individuality? Find out here.

Juggling. How many things do we juggle walking out of the door? School bags, handbag, PE kits, packed lunches, ingredients for cooking class, toys for the journey…


Lottery. What’s your lottery fantasy? Just a holiday might be nice! From just £1 per week, you stand a chance of winning £25,000! But every week is a winner really, because 50p from every £1 you give comes directly to Tamba. Sign up here.

Membership. Blatant plug we know, but seriously, why aren’t you a member yet? For just £2.80 per month you get access to more than 100 companies signed up to our discounts scheme, extra info to help with looking after multiples and our awesome Multiple Matters magazine four times a year. Join or renew here.