First Words Summer 2017 | Page 37

Baby Cafe Beckenham

Mondays 1-3pm, Neighbourhood Church, Cromwell Road, BR3 4LW

Baby Cafe Penge

Fridays 1-3pm, St John’s Church, 2 St John’s Road, Penge, SE20 7EQ

I have been back at work for two weeks. It all came about very quickly and I was scared when first going back, knowing that I want to breastfeed until Skylar is one year old. But there was nothing to worry about as Skylar feeds in the morning before I drop her off at the childminder’s, then feeds in the afternoon and evening and if she wakes up during the night too. I feed on demand as normal at the weekend and I will have the school holidays to be with her and feed. It feels great to still be doing this and achieving all that I am achieving.

Breastfeeding has been amazing for me, a huge bonding experience and something that I have truly loved doing. Skylar is 8 months old, breastfeeds regularly when we’re home and together, continues to thrive and grow and is one very happy baby.

Tatjhana and baby Skylar, with Baby Cafe Facilitator, Kate Cameron

I have been pumping my milk for Skylar since day one: first, because of the tongue tie, but then because I wanted to get a supply together so that when I returned to work or wanted to have a night out, Skylar would still have breastmilk. I eventually found something that worked: a silicon pump that I would just put on my other breast whilst feeding Skylar and it would collect the let down and much more. I began to produce lots of milk, my body thinking it was producing for twins. This was great as it meant my stashed away collection grew. It has been amazing to have milk in the freezer because I have been able to help another mum out by giving my breastmilk to her to give to her twin boys and it feels so good to be helping someone else. I cannot recommend a silicon pump enough: a cheap, simple, one piece, easy to clean and sterilise, suction cup, negating the need for an electric or manual pump.