First Words Spring 2017 | Page 8



Mini springtime éclairs from

When Eleanor challenged me to try something new for this edition, I envisaged biscuits in surprising shapes (perhaps with a little something from the shadowy depths of the spice cupboard). Too safe? Then I spotted these little éclairs during a nearly-midnight PInterest sesh, and fell in love! Perfect for a little teatime treat, especially with Mother's Day coming up. The real question is: Is it really possible to make patisserie with three tiny people in tow? Mais, oui, you just need the right equipment. Icing? Check. Sprinkles? Check. Fairy wings? Check. Let’s dooo this!

The éclairs are made in three basic stages, which allows plenty of drifting-off time in between. First job is to make the choux pastry. Sift the flour from

You will need:

70g plain flour

55g unsalted butter

150ml water

2 large eggs, beaten

250ml whipping cream

1 tsp caster sugar

1-2 tsp vanilla extract

250g icing sugar

Food colouring

Edible decorations

a great height onto a piece of baking paper (this inspired a game of snow-drawing). Melt together the butter and water, bring to the boil, add the flour and stir like crazy off the heat. Return to the heat and keep stirring until you get a nice shiny ball of dough. Not one for the kids to help with, but they were enjoying the snow-drawing at this point. Remove from the heat and allow to cool down for a few minutes before beating the eggs into the dough a little at a time.

Next, spoon the dough into an icing or sandwich bag with the corner snipped off, and squeeze out 10cm sausages onto prepared baking sheets. Sophie (3) and Lydia (5) both enjoyed this bit. Then into the oven until puffed up and golden-brown (10-12 mins).