First Words Spring 2017 | Page 29

“I love singing. Like, really love it. So I jumped at the chance to join the new community choir at my children's school. The kids were getting older, and whilst still incredibly demanding, slots of time were slowly opening up to me. I could have stuffed them with obligations, I had a long enough list, but I chose to use them entirely selfishly. I wanted something that was mine. It's now 2 years since I joined and I don't think I'm overstating it to say that it has been life-changing. It's strengthened existing friendships and ignited new ones. The rehearsals have energised me after long, tiring days and the performances have moved me immensely. I just love spending time with this group of people. We all have busy, sometimes complicated lives, and together we sing and it brings us joy. Sometimes we crack a song quickly. Other times we work for weeks or months to get it right. Some days we forget our words or move the wrong way, bumping into our neighbour. It doesn't matter. We've never claimed to get it perfect every time. We laugh a lot, we connect with each other, and our community. And frequently, we sound really very good. It's given me confidence to be bold elsewhere in my life, to open my mouth and make a noise. In a world that is all too frequently dark and ugly, singing in a choir is a truly joyful thing.”

“When my sister-in-law asked me two years ago if I'd like to join the community choir that her friend was forming, I had no idea the impact it would have on me. Having not taken part in any musical activities since school (a LONG time ago), I had forgotten about the way that music can lift and inspire you, but more than that, being part of a choir with a group of such wonderful, friendly people is quite simply one of the best things I've ever done. Plus, there's always cake - really, really good cake. In fact, the choir (and the cake) inspired me so much that I carried it into my job as a writer and my next book is all about a choir, their community and the way in which they pull together in times of need (The Choir on Hope Street by Annie Lyons if you're interested). For me being part of a choir is an inspiring, uplifting, cake-filled heaven.”

Annie, author and mum of two

Melissa, parent to 3 girls