First Words Autumn 2017 | Page 5

Welcome from the BRANCH

Welcome to the Autumn edition of

'First Words'. Hope you are ready to

swap your flipflops for wellies...

As the days get shorter and cooler, it's

natural to start feeling a little sluggish in mind and body. This issue, our contributors share what motivates them, in everything from changing careers in early parenthood, to reclaiming their former fitness. They also share their tips for keeping your own motivation levels pepped up. If nothing else, at least you you know bedtimes will get easier as the nights draw in!

We have some fantastic new team members who have stepped forward to secure the immediate future of the branch and its activities and services. A burst of fresh energy and perspective is essential to keep the team motivated - and many hands really do make light work. This is my last issue as Branch Coordinator: THANK YOU to all the lovely people I have met through NCT Beckenham & Borders for supporting me and my boys.

The digital version is packed with hyperlinks that 'flash up' when you initially turn the page. Please share the link if you can: All adverts are linked to the relevant organisation’s website and contacts.

As always, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] to share your feedback and ideas, and do let us know if you fancy writing an article for the Winter issue (diverse families).

Huge thanks to all our contributors for sharing their time and experiences. Hope you enjoy reading and clicking!

Eleanor Wheeler, Interim Branch Coordinator & mum to Miles (6), Rory (3) & Douglas (1)

[email protected]