First Words Autumn 2017 | Page 13

who gives you instructions and tells you how you’re doing.

Week 1 starts with a brisk 5min fast walk then alternates between a brisk 90sec walk then 60secs of running, for a total of 20mins. Each step is repeated three times a week. As the weeks progress, the intervals change in intensity and by week 9, you should be able to comfortably run for 30mins – equivalent to 5km.

So back in March, I got my trainers on and started the Couch to 5K. As my son was attending nursery three days a week, I spaced my runs out for Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings – not always possible due to life getting in the way but, for the most part, I stuck with it and have not looked back since.

I completed the program in July and I feel really well – I’m steadily losing more weight through eating sensibly and running three times a week; I’ve treated myself to new clothes, have more energy and my mental wellbeing has improved so much.

Since July, I have downloaded the free Nike Running Club app, where I can set my running program myself and, thankfully, play my own music! Recently, I have been increasing my running time by 5mins every

week, and for the past week, I’ve upped the pace a bit and am now comfortably running 5miles or 8.04km, 3 times a week. My next milestone is to reach the elusive 10K in the next few weeks!

For any mums or dads who are feeling unfit, want to lose a bit of weight or do both, I recommend Couch to 5K as an excellent way to start.

Con's column

Con says: Running is a great activity for parents - a chance to unburden your mind from the thousand and one daily responsibilities. The biggest challenge is finding time. One thing that works for us is to make a schedule for running that's the same each week – protecting specific timeslots. These commitments become part of the overall family routine and we all work around them. I came to running in my 30s and I’m so glad I stuck with it. I genuinely believe anyone can do it, and as Ruth’s story testifies, the results can happen quickly, with a little persistence. I’m looking forward to

us completing our

first race together!