First Issue Volume 01 Nov 2015 | Page 23


Umagz/November, 2015 23


400g Thai rice noodle / 1-4 Tbsp Fish sauce (reduced sodium) /1-2 Tbsp Apple cider vinegar / 1 1/2 Tbsp Sugar / 5 cloves Garlic / 2-3 Chili padi / 10 Shallots,sliced / 1 Film beancurd / 40g Chives / 250g Prawns,peeled / 100g Bean sprouts / 2 Eggs / 250ml Chicken / stock (low-sodium) / Handful of Coriander leaves / Handful of Sweet basil leaves


Place Thai rice noodles in a pot of cool water and allow noodles to soak for 1 hour,then drain/ Arrange the sauce, apple cider vinegar and sugar near the cooking area. / Peel Garlic and mince it. / Slice Chilies / Peel the shallots and slice it thinly / Cut beancurd into small dices about 1cm square / Wash chives / Take half of the chives and cut into 2cm pieces / The balance of the chives should be cut into 4-5cm pieces for garnishing / Bring prawns from the fridge and keep near work area / Wash bean sprouts and drain well / Crack eggs into bowl and add a pinch a salt or 1 teaspoon fish sauce and beat lightly.


You may find a lot of varieties among vinegars. The most popular vinegars in the natural health community is Apple Cider Vinegar.

Benefits include lower blood sugar , enhance your digestion system, weight loss, improved symptoms of diabetes and protection against dreaded disease such as cancer, heart attack.