First Issue Volume 01 Nov 2015 | Page 22


Lessons learnt

#1 Wash your hands thoroughly and remove your rings (germs do get stuck on rings especially those with intricate designs).

#2 Nutrients are lost in deep frying. For this workshop, we are taught to cook using stir fry method and use less oil.

#3 Choose minimally processed food with better nutritional value. For the pad thai noodles, Chef Devagi recommends reduced sodium fish sauce and added apple cider vinegar. She also taught how to cook chicken stock and stored them into ice cubes for future use. It sure beat using processed, commercial chicken stock cubes.

#4 Choose healthier varieties. Opt for whole wheat varieties in chicken carbonara pasta, or add more vegetables and less pasta.

#5 Teamwork. The group learnt to delegate jobs best suited for each so as to complete the task quickly. Some of us were delegated or volunteered as vegetables cutter, ingredient expert, cook, dishwashing and not forgetting the most coveted job – taster!

Studies have shown that most people spent more than 10 hours a day in the office and less time cooking in the kitchen. Families are eating out more, or buying ready cooked food that may not be healthy.

20 aspiring chef from USSS travelled to the quiet Tagore industrial area and spent a lovely evening with renowned Chef Devagi Sanmugam, author of 19 cookbooks, food columnist and culinary consultant. They were ushered to a modern and functional cooking studio; where Chef Devagi dishes out healthy cooking tips for the excited participants.


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-Jane Tan-