FireNuggets 2017 May | Page 5

May 2017 FireNuggets, Inc their external apparel later. It’s the ‘internal apparel’ person relieved from their position because they that’s important. When the relationship grows, you tried to B S their way through a briefing. can tell them, “Blue. Green. Hazel.” They’ll ask you quizzically, “What?” The color of your eyes,” you say. “Never had anyone say that to me before” is one of the replies I’ve received. “First time for everything,” I “Honesty is a very expensive gift; don’t expect it from cheap people.” Kushandwisdom often reply. It’s not meant to be flirtatious but a technique to help you connect on a basic human level. I’ve used it for years and I’m amazed when others are pleasantly surprised when I check their eye color. It tells them I looked at their eyes and connected. It’s also subtle sign of respect. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Integrity is when you keep your word and work like “H” to honor your agreements. Integrity’s a muscle, use it or lose it. Your words and actions (nonverbal, too) must be seamless. When a person asks you a question or seeks more information, tell the truth. “Eyes are captivatingly beautiful, not because of the color but because of the words they hold within.” - Don’t be a bullshiter and back slapper. Most people, who have any innate ability to gauge others’ “Truth stings. Lies hurt.” E.g. if you’re not a Veteran and/or never served in a combat theatre, don’t fabricate your resume to get hired or elected. Politicians on both sides of the aisle, do you get it...yet? Live by the mantra “A promise made is a promise kept.” words and intentions, can spot a phony-baloney, good time rock ‘n roller almost immediately. Like me, “Live so that when your children think of fairness, many who read this article know exactly of what I caring and integrity, they think of you.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr. speak. It may be your ‘leader’ or immediate supervisor, another employee (whose reputation precedes them) a person you’ve known but haven’t seen for months or years or…. (gasp) a family member. Their attempts to be genuine are so Don’t hide behind your desk and use it as a “barrier.” Want to be a mushroom and have your obviously forced, it can make you uncomfortable. staff throw ‘excrement’ over the walls to keep you You just know they’re a phony. You sense they want ‘nourished?’ Have you created a culture where the something from you; their words and actions don’t ring true. There are hundreds of examples. Tip: learn staff knows the last person to present you a proposal that requires a decision is the decision that will be to accept a certain amount of BS from people you made? They know that and will check with your know. It’s not a lie per se, but a way to overcome secretary and try to be the last person you see. Get their own perceived lack of confidence or a way to cover for a their lack of knowledge on a subject or out of your comfort zone, walk around the building(s) and make unannounced visits with your staff. Do you situation or an insidious way to get you to help them. know who cleans the building? Know all the staff at Rather than be open and honest, they’ve learned to other locations? One of a few examples I try and BS their way through...and wonder why others don’t trust them. E.g. I’ve seen more than one By Firefighters, For Firefighters experienced: at the last organization where I was employed, I suggested to two of the most senior ! of 38 5 !