FIRE Newsletter Q4 2017 Quarter 4 2017

F. I. R. E. Fully Informed, Reverenced & Encouraged NEWSLETTER Dr. Quintin P. Woods, Sr., Pastor Public Relations Outreach Ministry, Editor Mt. Mori h Missionary Baptist Church 2295 Dr. Harvey Riley St. NE Palm Bay, FL 32905 321-725-1791 ext. 201 Email: [email protected] Website: Quarter 4, 2017 Words From The Hearts Of The Pastor And The Pastor’s Wife In closing, let’s continue to let go and let God have His way in our lives as well as in the life of our church. Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of men all that God has in store and prepared for them that love Him (1 Cor. 2:9) not only after this life as a Christian but even during this life as God has revealed it to His Children.. It’s all for His Glory. We sincerely love each and every one of you with the love of Jesus Christ. “It Is Our Desire For Every Soul To Catch On F I R E” We greet each and every one of you in the Matchless, Marvel- ous, and Miraculous Name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. How good and how pleasant it is for brethren (The Family of God) to dwell together in unity (Ps. 133:1). Indeed, we are blessed and excited again to print and distribute another Edition of our Newsletter, F. I. R. E for the year of 2017. We would also like to commend our Public Relations Outreach (PRO) Ministry for their hard, excellent, and outstanding work. Indeed, it is a great time to be alive and to be a part of the Mt. Moriah Church Family and Nation. In this year of 2017, God has blessed us to begin and establish the following Ministries: LET THE CHILDREN COME MINISTRY, MARRIED COUPLES’ MINISTRY, CHURCH APP MINISTRY, YOUTH PRAISE DANCE MINISTRY, FIREPOWER PRAISE & WORSHIP MINISTRY (3 RD & 5 TH SUN.), CONTINUE OUR CHURCH NURSING HOME MINIS- TRY, AND CONTINUE OUR PRISON MINISTRY. Be- fore the year is over we will begin our STEAMING LIVE MINISTRY (WORSHIP SERVICES) and pr ayer fully in the near future we will begin our CATCH ON FIRE INTER- NET RADIO BROADCAST OUTREACH MINISTRY (ONE HOUR OF POWER) and have our GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY FOR OUR NEW FAMILY LIFE CENTER. As we continue to focus on our over all theme for 2017, “Working And Partnering Together To Make Things Better” (Advancing The Kingdom Of God), we are continuing to expect and anticipate God to move in a Powerful and Prolific way. We believe by faith that “What’s To Come Is So Much Better Than What’s Been”. We look forward to experiencing even more Exciting and Pow- erful Worship, Explosive and Powerful Word, and Energetic and Enthusiastic People who are willing to Worship, Work and Witness. As we close out this year with the 4 th Quarter, it is God’s will and our desire to move and motivate everyone to be “Dedicated To Serving God Together”. As we have discov- ered, not only are we workers together with God (2 Cor. 6:1) but “When We Work Together Things Will Be A Lot Better”. Dr. Quintin P. Woods, Sr. & Sister Tramella Woods Pastor/Visionary Undershepherd & Pastor’s Wife (Lady T. Woods) “Let your light shine – Live Your Creed” I’d rather see a sermon than to hear one any day; I’d rather one would walk with me, than to merely show me the way. The eye is a better pupil, more willing than the ear; Advice might be confusing, but examples are always clear. And the very finest teachers are the ones who live their creed. For to see good put into action is what everybody needs. I can soon learn to do it if you let me see it done; Your hands I can watch in motion, but your tongue too swift might run. And the lectures you deliver might be very fine and true, But I’d rather learn my lesson by observing what you do. For you might confuse me with the fine advice you give, But there’s no misunderstanding about how you live. An Old Proverb says “Your actions speak so loudly that I can’t hear a word you say”. This stresses letting our light shine. Children learn what they live. Thus, moms, dads, uncles and aunts should live a life worthy of emulating by our youth.