Financial Statements 2018 financial statement- joomag | Page 36

GOING CONCERN The Association’s business activities, its current financial position and factors likely to affect its future development are set out within the Board Report and Operating and Financial Review. The Association has in place long-term debt facilities which provide adequate resources to finance committed reinvestment and development programmes, along with the Association’s day to day operations. The Association also has a long-term business plan which shows that it is able to service these debt facilities whilst continuing to comply with lenders’ covenants. The Association maintains sufficient liquidity to meet ongoing cash flow requirements. On this basis, the Board has a reasonable expectation that the association has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, being a period of at least twelve months after the date on which the report and financial statements are signed. For this reason, it continues to adopt the going concern basis in the financial statements. AUDITORS A resolution to undertake a tender exercise for the appointment of the statutory auditors of Accord Housing Association for the ensuing year will be proposed at the 2018 Annual General Meeting. On behalf of the Board Mrs Elisabeth Buggins (Chair) Date: 12 July 2018 Mr Stuart Fisher (Executive Director of Resources) Date: 12 July 2018 Financial Statements 2018 35