Financial Statements 2017 Financial Statements 2017 | Page 76

19. DEFERRED CAPITAL GRANT INCOME 2017 2016 £’000 £’000 Balance at 1 April 280,526 277,168 Received in the year 7,484 5,841 Acquisition of Gharana - 1,399 Repaid/Abated on disposals (1,772) (1,384) Released to income in the year (2,277) (2,498) Balance at 31 March 283,961 280,526 Amounts to be released within one year Amounts to be released in more than one year 2,498 281,463 2,498 278,028 283,961 280,526 20. RECYCLED CAPITAL GRANT FUND 2017 2016 £’000 £’000 Balance at 1 April 2,399 1,925 Grants recycled 1,067 971 Interest accrued 13 11 Withdrawals (1,534) (508) Balance at 31 March 1,945 2,399 Withdrawals from the Recycled Capital Grant Fund have contributed to new development and qualifying flexible tenure purchases. 74 Accord Housing Association