Financial Statements 2017 Financial Statements 2017 | Page 71

10B. HOUSING PROPERTIES Expenditure on works to existing properties 2017 2016 £’000 £’000 Components capitalised/improvements 3,602 4,851 Amounts charged to the statement of comprehensive income 10,918 10,798 14,520 15,649 Completed housing properties book value, net of depreciation 2017 2016 £’000 £’000 Freehold land and buildings Leasehold land and buildings 763,501 39,428 733,309 40,951 Total Net Book Value 802,929 774,260 Finance costs 2017 2016 £’000 £’000 Aggregate amount of finance costs included in the cost of housing properties To date this represents 2.11% (2016: 2.03%) of total housing property fixed asset costs. 18,545 17,128 Social housing assistance 2017 2016 £’000 £’000 Total accumulated social housing grant received or receivable at 31 March Capital grant 283,961 280,526 Revenue grant 32,753 30,476 Total Net Book Value 316,714 311,002 Impairment The Association considers individual schemes to be separate Cash Generating Units (CGU’s) when assessing for impairment, in accordance with the requirements of FRS 102 and the Housing SORP 2014. During the current year the Association have identified no impairment losses. Financial Statements 2017 69