Financial Statements 2016 | Page 37

Direction 2016 - future commitments and actions The Accord Group continues to improve on its overall financial operating effectiveness of its social housing activities demonstrating the Group’s commitment to driving efficiencies and adding value in front line services. Over the past five years there has been a substantial improvement in this performance measure. Performances on these key measures show consistent performance. Accord continues to perform very favourably when compared to the benchmarking cohort, despite a slight decline in this year’s performance. Void and bad debt performance remains under close scrutiny and review, as shown in the five year trend date. The group has a track record of addressing any performance concerns in those areas. Performance against this measure is consistently favourable. There is an improvement year-on-year when compared to the benchmarking cohort. It is also pleasing to note continued performance improvement over the five year trend data. The 2015 VFM self assessment statement identified expected improvements for these measures in 2016. These have been achieved as overall results report year-on-year improvement. In addition there is notable performance improvement over the five year trend data when compared to the benchmarking cohort results. Overal l results for these measures are consistent with 2015. Significant increases in 2013 and 2015 reflect Direct Health and Heantun joining the Group. The Accord Group again achieves VFM by demonstrating that only a very small percentage of overall staffing costs are committed to the Executive. Accord continues to demonstrate a competitive and average cost of finance through effective and efficient treasury management practices despite a marginal decrease in the effectiveness of this measure. Over the five year trend data performance is consistent. Financial Statements 2016 35