Financial Statements 2016 | Page 36

Performance and cost management The Accord Group has continually benchmarked its performance on a number of key areas to generate useful year-on-year sectoral comparison. A benchmarking cohort of registered providers has been selected to reflect the scope and nature of the Group’s work, particularly the commitment to care services and community-based initiatives. The findings of the benchmarking process are outlined below. CO RPO RATE I NDI CATO RS OP E R ATI ON AL INDICATO R S Benchmarked indicator What does this measure? Rank* 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Social housing lettings operating margin The percentage of income from lettings converted to operating surpluses 8 (8) 34% 32% 31% 29% 26% Social housing lettings total operating costs per home The total cost of managing each social housing home for one year. 14 (14) £3,067 £3,228 £3,430 £3,416 £3,408 Void losses per home The total amount of void income forsaken in the year averaged across all homes in management. 5 (16) £92 £83 £115 £106 £77 Bad debts per home The total amount of bad debts written off in the year averaged across all homes in management. 4 (6) £50 £15 £58 [£1] £37 Total asset management spend per home in management The average investment in each home in management per year. 4 (5) £1,238 £1,214 £1,292 £1,172 £1,295 Return on assets: Turnover (all activities) The return on assets expressed as total turnover as a % of total assets less grant 8 (10) 21.6% 20.3% 22.6% 21.4% 16.1% Return on assets: Operating Surplus (all activities) The return on assets expressed as total operating surplus as a % of total assets less grant 12 (17) 4.18% 3.13% 3.6% 3.6% 3.2% Income earned per executive officer The value of income generated averaged across the number of Executive Officers 6 (6) £13.4m £13.9m £11.2m £10.1m £5.8m Executive costs as a percentage of total staff costs The percentage of total costs of the Executive as a percentage of total staff costs. 1 (1) 2.3% 2.3% 2.4% 2.5% 4.0% Average interest rate The average cost of debt being interest paid as a % of total debt held 6 (4) 4.2% 3.9% 3.8% 4.2% 4.0% * Ranking out of cohort of 19 comparable organisations. Brackets denote 2015 performance. 34 Accord Group