Financial Statements 2016 | Page 109

34. Transition to FRS102 - Association The Association has adopted FRS102 for the year ended 31 March 2016 and has restated the comparative prior period amounts. Changes for FRS102 adoption SHPS Pension Grant accounting Under section 28 the Group is now required to recognise the net present value of any contractual agreements to make additional payments for a past deficit. Using a discount rate of 2.06%, this has resulted in a liability of £945k being recognised as a liability in the opening reserves Grants were previously netted off the cost of the related asset. Under FRS102, government grants must be accounted for under the accruals model or the performance model. As the association accounts for its properties at cost, it has adopted the accruals model for government grants, as required by SORP 2014. Non-government grants are accounted for under the performance model. Under the accruals model, the government grants have been allocated to the related assets and amortised over the useful economic life of those assets. The unamortised amount is held within deferred income, split between less than one year and more than one year. The amount of amortised grant that has been recognised in opening reserves is £12,070k. Holiday pay accrual An accrual is now made for entitlement to holiday at the year end which has not been taken by employees. This has been calculated based on payroll records and totalled £232k as a liability in opening reserves. Financial instruments Management have reviewed financial instruments held as part of the process of transition to FRS102 and have concluded that it is appropriate to continue to classify all financial instruments as basic under FRS102 Restated statement of financial position Original reserves Holiday pay accrual Unpaid contributions for retirement benefits Tangible fixed assets 31 March 2015 1 April 2014 £000 £000 57,446 51,232 - (232) (505) (945) 433 3,832 57,394 53,887 Restated surplus or deficit for the year ended 31 March 2015 31 March 2015 £000 Original profit on ordinary activities before tax 3,579 Amortisation of Government grant 1,467 Movement in depreciation charge (1,018) Movement in depreciation eliminated on disposal 42 Amortised grant released on disposal (58) Unwinding of defined benefit pension charge (27) Pension contributions paid 92 Pension remeasurement (570) 3,507 Financial Statements 2016 107