Financial History 135 (Fall 2020) | Page 46


1 . What type of app was Venmo originally ?
2 . The formal era of railroad land grants began with the passage of The Land Grant Act . In what year was the Act passed ?
3 . What type of US currency has faced a shortage amid the COVID-19 pandemic ?
4 . What 18th century Swiss writer was an early spokesman for the socialist idea of collective ownership ?
5 . What chairman and CEO of JPMorgan during the 1980s aspired to turn the firm into a “ universal bank ” that could offer both wholesale banking and investment banking services ?
6 . What type of currency is sometimes referred to as “ digital gold ”?
7 . What two technologies , introduced in the 1870s , were lawyers on Wall Street and elsewhere slow to accept ?
8 . In what two southern US cities did many free Blacks prosper as businessmen in the antebellum period ?
9 . How many days can the coronavirus remain on paper currency , according to a study by the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness ?
10 . On what day of the year has the stock market historically performed the best over the past 70 years , with an average gain of 0.54 % on the S & P 500 ?
1 . A music app 2 . 1850 3 . Coins 4 . Jean-Jacques Rousseau 5 . Lew Preston 6 . Bitcoin 7 . Telephone and typewriter 8 . Charleston and New Orleans 9 . 28 days 10 . October 28
44 FINANCIAL HISTORY | Fall 2020 | www . MoAF . org