Final Report - GDAMS 2015 2015 | Page 12

North America 73 events - 2 countries The Thunderclap campaign AFSC Wage Peace, our counterpart in the U.S. launched a Thunderclap campaign for GDAMS U.S-Tax Day and reached more than double its target : - Goal : 100 supporters - Total supporters : 266 - Social reach : 242,646 people Halifax, Canada Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace took to the streets to conduct the survey– “What would you do with the $1.75 trillion being spent globally each year on the military?” San Francisco, CA Over 110 volunteers from 37 different organizations distributed around 15,000 SIPRI brochures at 32 subway stations in five neighborhoods. CODEPINK and New Priorities Campaign Coalition organized an event with music in front of Senator Feinsteins office. Colorado Springs, CO National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC) members displayed a banner and passed out leaflets at the post office; the Colorado Springs Gazette ran a photo of the demonstrators on April 16th. 11 - GDAMS 2015 Report