Final Portfolio - "Sealing It With a Bow" Final Portfolio | Page 7


Survival Of the Fittest

Prose / Q1.............................................................20

The idea for this poem came from my desire to write something different. I had been writing a lot of sci-fi and dramatic dark stories. I wanted something stupid and fun. So, I thought about writing a man fighting over the last burger in a diner. I am proud on the fact that I was able to create humor, which is very hard to do. "I felt it; Calamity; As the customers transformed; Into starved lions." I went over it a few times and changed some silly mistakes. It didn't go through a lot of revision since my first draft was read out loud and people enjoyed it. That was the moment I realised I had written something well, and it fell good. I am really proud of this poem. Trying to write a funny poem or prose or anything is always a big risk to take because you have to make the reader laugh. If you do not accomplish this, then you are a complete loser and your piece a total failure. The story originally isn’t supposed to be funny, just dumb, but when I started writing it, it all changed. I loved the stupidity of the situation. Yet, a weakness is that it is a little long. It has adjectives that I could have cut out to rant less. However, Survival of the Fittest is in my last portfolio because it was my first piece that was read out loud to the class and my classmates laughed. It was the first piece that I felt specially proud of.

The idea for this poem came from my desire to write something different. I had been writing a lot of sci-fi and dramatic dark stories. I wanted something stupid and fun. So, I thought about writing a man fighting over the last burger in a diner. I am proud on the fact that I was able to create humor, which is very hard to do. "I felt it; Calamity; As the customers transformed; Into starved lions." The piece went through some revision. Since, it was going to be published in Sin Fronteras, the editors gave me a lot of feedback on what to change. To "show, not tell" and to be more specific on the type of burgers. However, this piece was well written since the beginning. It was read in class out loud and people laughed. I am really proud of this poem. Trying to write a funny poem or prose or anything is always a big risk to take because you have to make the reader laugh. If you do not accomplish this, then you are a complete loser and your piece a total failure. The story originally isn’t supposed to be funny, just dumb, but when I started writing it, it all changed. I loved the stupidity of the situation. Yet, a weakness is that it is a little long. It has adjectives that I could have cut out to rant less. However, Survival of the Fittest is in my last portfolio because it was my first piece that was read out loud to the class and my classmates laughed. It was the first piece that I felt specially proud of.