Final Portfolio - "Sealing It With a Bow" Final Portfolio | Page 40

Picture a worldwide wealthy company. Picture its headquarters, a huge modern building in the middle of a grand city like New York. Now picture yourself going inside to the front desk. Who do you see? A secretary. Now, do you see her wearing a skirt or pants? I bet most of you thought the secretary was wearing a skirt. Now, keep walking past the front desk towards the elevator and you walk past many people. I bet you saw most of those people wearing suits and ties. Keep walking, get in the elevator and go to the twenty seventh floor. The doors open and again there is a front desk with a secretary. Could it be a he? I bet you are now more willing to picture it as a man, but if I hadn’t mentioned the one from the lobby you would still see her as a woman. Am I right?

You ask for the boss’s office and the secretary points you to it. You walk past all of offices and knock on the door. The boss opens the door. Who do you see? Most of you pictured a man wearing fancy clothes. Maybe some of you have gotten the hang of where this is going and saw a woman. Now, do you picture a more mature woman or a young pretty woman? I bet most of you picture a younger one, about in her thirties. Just like in the movies. You leave the the office, go past the secretary, inside the elevator and back down to the lobby. You walk towards the door and leave the massive headquarters. As you turn left into fifth avenue you see a homeless in the corner sitting down. Now, did you picture it with its typical cardboard sign asking for money? Or simply as a person that happens to not have a home resting on the sidewalk? Think about it for a second, do all homeless people ask for money? One last question about the homeless, did you imagine a she or a he? I am pretty sure most of you saw a he. Don’t worry, it is normal.