Final Portfolio - "Sealing It With a Bow" Final Portfolio | Page 29

finally a class of sharks. You think it is awesome. Some are great whites, others are hammer sharks and so on.

You begin to look at the pictures you have just taken. You keep pressing next until one of them catches your attention. There is a picture of the shark tank with a figure in the middle of all the sharks. It is barely noticeable, as if it is hiding, but the scales give it away. Quite odd considering you hadn’t seen the fish in real life. You look up to the fish tank and see the same fish floating right in front of you. It is staring straight at you, straight at the camera. His eyes are so hollow and empty. Its pupil larger than the usual. It is pleading for something. Could it be help?

You walk up to the tank until there is nothing but the glass separating you from the fish. You can’t take your eyes off of it. There is something familiar about them, something you have seen before. Out of curiosity you tap the glass, big mistake.

The window immediately cracks and it begins to bloom in all directions. Each branch growing, stretching from the ovule to the corners of the window followed by a screeching sound. It only took a few seconds for it to shatter completely. The fish are the first to go through the hole and tackle you to the ground, followed by the countless sharks and the liters of heavy water. The weight of the slimy rough bodies are crushing your bones. The animals compress your body against the ground, so that the pieces of broken glass carve into your skin. The water comes avalanching down, pushing you with its current. It is an internal river of water streaming in your face. You turn left for air, but when you open your mouth to gasp for oxygen there is nothing but more water. You spat it out, you wiggle your body to get free from the animals, but you can’t even get your hands out from underneath their bodies. What had seemed as an amusing