Final Portfolio - "Sealing It With a Bow" Final Portfolio | Page 22

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The man sitting on the table to my left.

Didn’t make it far

He was knocked out by a flying ketchup.

And with this act,

The war began.

Salt, pepper, mayonnaise, plates, glasses,

They all flew across the diner.

The walls,

Were now a Pollock.

Through the ping-ponging objects

I could see my sweet burger

Resting in the middle

Untouched and juicy.

She is waiting for me.

My turn,

I made the run for it.

My time was limited.

I jumped,



And ached

Every second I got closer to my burger.

I could smell the pickles inside the hugging bread.

The overflowing ketchup,

The fresh lettuce,

The meat, fresh out of the oven.

I was inches away,

I was about to touch it.

Instead, I watched it fly out the window.

I was hit by the waitress’ tray.

I pushed my burger flying out the window.

I had lost the prize.

The diner froze.

I felt their shadows.

Their penetrating eyes watching me,

With utter disbelief.

Customers left the Pollock room,

Cursing under their breath.

“What a loser”,

They said.

But I was no loser.

In order to be a loser,

I needed to have something.

The burger was never mine,

I simply desired it.

So there I stood,

With my grumbling stomach,

Just like at the beginning

With nothing to lose.