Final Portfolio - "Sealing It With a Bow" Final Portfolio | Page 19


He walks through the fire in a cocoon of flames

As the people in the building try to be saved

But no one escapes the burning waves

They ran and dodged the falling bricks

The screams of fear and eyes in need of aid

He walks through the fire in a cocoon of flames

Surviving is not what he predicts

Even while the crying nuns prayed

But no one escapes the burning waves

The wrapping of burning sheets leaves the room with only six

Where the walls are covered by a calamitous shade

He walks through the fire in a cocoon of flames

The room where the asian left the chopsticks

Her body and mind that was hurt by the ablaze spade

But no one escapes the burning waves

People cannot cheat nor perform tricks

For all of them with their lives paid

He walks through the fire in a cocoon of flames

But no one escapes the burning waves