Final Portfolio - "Sealing It With a Bow" Final Portfolio | Page 17

The ocean, an enormous body of water that sustains life. It is with its waves and turquoise mirrors that it swings left and right. It spreads touching every coast of land, every continent. It is the one thing that unites us all.

During the day, it shines as a polished jewel. Each curl of a wave shaded from dark to light, with its respectful sun ray reflecting from the top. When the wave begins to form, it is an obscure devouring creature that grows as if it had no boundaries. The water condenses together inside its body, stopping the light from going through. Soon, as the beast reaches its highest point, when time seems to stop and the only sound left is the echo of the water curling down to release the majestic roar, light comes through. Darkness becomes dazzling rays of white. The once angry beast begins to bend down into a harras of white horses. From his limbs, heads and hooves come out. The horses race towards the beach, trying to beat their friends. But as they reach their destination their energy begins to slowly fade. The horses begin to shrink, to melt down into the royal waters. It takes only a few seconds for the trail of stallions to disappear and transparency to take over the crystal pond. You have only a few moments to savor the sound of silence. The wind’s lullaby on the dry coast. The bird’s chants above the palm trees tops. An ecosystem of music. The suspension of notes only to be interrupted by the cycling creation of a new roaring creature with the desire of reaching shore.