Final Portfolio - "Sealing It With a Bow" Final Portfolio | Page 12

wonder woman

Tigress - Prose

wonder woman


Prose / Q3................................................... 37


Tigress was written because of Women’s Day. We were looking in class about how woman can be as strong as men and from there surged the idea for the piece. I decided to write about a war in which only women were warriors. I began by drafting during class and then I kept editing at my house. I remember changing some descriptions of what the place looked like or about their weapons. I added a description of their braids, because I always picture women warriors with braids. Again, the piece was only edited by me, so there is a lot of room to improve. The piece could be better if I gave more background the my characters and to why there are in the war. I feel like I don’t say much. However, I do love some of the images I create. For example, “The echoing screams flowed as a melody through the battlefield. Anger rumbled and decision roared.” I chose to include it in this portfolio because of its potential to improve. I can create a whole story from this scene and I intend to create it.