Final Portfolio - "Sealing It With a Bow" Final Portfolio | Page 10


Poem / Q4................................................... 31

This piece was inspired by Tim Burton’s poems. I have always been a fan of his stories and decided to try and imitate his writing. His poems are always really short and therefore also should mine. I began by writing a first draft that took me days to finish. Since it was a rhyming poem, I constantly was changing the last words of the verses to better the poem. No one but myself edited this poem. I did do some final editing before adding it to this portfolio, like deleting and adding some of the last stanzas. I am specially proud for taking the risk of trying a different form of writing. I did pretty well on keeping it creepy and rhyming, like Tim Burton’s poems. “In search for mischief ; A boy is capable of doing anything; Like using a knife instead of teeth; To leave a frown grinning” However, I again struggle with the organization of the poem. I am not sure that if is easy to understand or if it makes a lot of sense. I probably need to explain more about the character to make his behaviour more evident and justified. Yet, it is in this final portfolio not only because it was written during this quarter, but because of the risk of trying a different style of writing. Risks, not matter how small should always be valued.