Film Studio Dijital Dergi Eylül 2014 | Page 40

40 SİNEMATELEVİZYONDERGİSİ EYLÜL2014 ŞÜKRÜAVŞAR işletmeciliği, film ithalatı, dizi yapımcılığı şeklinde de devam ediyoruz. FS: Sektöre yıllarını vermiş bir yapımcı olarak dizi sektörünü nasıl değerlendiriyorsunuz? ŞÜKRÜ AVŞAR: Televizyon’da 15 yıldan beri her sene aynı işler yapılıyor. 80 ile 85 arası irili ufaklı dizi çekiliyor. Eylül ayında ise yeni diziler başlayacak, seyirci içerisinden aldığını alacak, almadığını bırakacak ve bir dizi çöplüğü oluşacak. Bir grup diziler ise Kasım ayında şansını deneyecek, aralarında yürüyen işler olacak. Mart ayında ise yeniden denemeler olacak. Tutan diziler tutacak, tutunamayanlar da dökülecek. Neticede, senede baktığınız zaman irili ufaklı dört ya da beş dizi tutacak. production. FS: As a producer, who gave his years to the industry, how would you assess the TV series industry? ŞÜKRÜ AVŞAR: People have been doing the same thing in television for 15 years. There are between 80 to 85 large and small scale series. In September, new series will begin, the audience will take whichever they choose, leave away the rest and there will be a landfill of TV series. A group of series will also try their luck in November, some of them will work. In March, there will be new attempts. Successful ones will hold on, and unsuccessful ones will go down. As a result, when you look at it, four or five big and small series will be successful in a year. I LIKE NEITHER MY OWN WORK NOR OTHERS’ WORKS FS: Are there TV series that you like and watch? ŞÜKRÜ AVŞAR: As a producer, I never like neither my own work nor others’ works too much and say “what a fine job I’ve done”. From time to time, there have been many series I appreciated. I am always trying to do better. If you say “I’ve done a great show, there is none better”, it is finished. I always believe that there is a better one. I DON’T BEGIN A WORK IF I DON’T TRUST IT FS: People say “Şükrü Avşar does no one else does, he shoots 2 or 3 episodes of some shows and presents them to the channels”. Isn’t this is a serious risk? ŞÜKRÜ AVŞAR: I don’t begin a work if I don’t trust it already. I do not have a mentality where I say “Let’s sell this first, get money from the channel and secure myself”. This mindset would be cheating the channel and yourself in the short-term. If it’s a work I believe in, I make my investment, then I say: “Come my friends, watch it, and buy if you like”. I usually work like this in all my businesses. HOUSE OF NIGHTMARES WAS AN EXPERIMENT, MY PURPOSE WAS TO BECOME A PIONEER Our House of Nightmares (Kabuslar Evi) project was an experiment. I shot 13 episodes and delivered it for broadcasting. It was not so successful but I still eval-