Fields Notes 18.1 | Page 8

FOCUS Thematic Program on Geometric Analysis July-December 2017 • Fields Institute The Fields Institute Thematic Program on Geometric Analysis included many exciting events from July to December 2017, such as the Distinguished Lecture Series of Panagiota Daskalopoulos (Columbia University) in October and the Coxeter Lecture Series of Tobias Colding (MIT) in November. Panagiota Daskalopoulos (Columbia University) The Summer School (July 10–21) kicked off the thematic "The fact that talks were program with a coupled with problem sessions that two-week event both strengthened understanding of the talks and helped facilitate for graduate collaboration with students from other students and countries was definitely a highlight of postdoctoral the event." —Participant at Summer School on fellows. Geometric Analysis A special 8 feature of the summer school was the daily three-hour problem solving session. The lecturers designed well-selected problem sets to accompany their lecture series. The participants appreciated the problem-solving sessions; many said that the summer school was one of the most intense and fruitful learning experiences of their careers. The Workshop on G2-Manifolds and Related Topics was held on August 21–25, with an associated mini-school immediately prior (August 19 and 20), which served to familiarize graduate students and other researchers with this active and rapidly growing field. On the first evening of the workshop, the Fields Institute hosted a special public lecture by Jason Lotay (University College London), which was extremely well‑attended. The Workshop on General Relativity and the ADS/CFT in late October achieved what few meetings of its kind achieve by covering a spectrum of research directions that rarely appear together in a workshop. It included a broad swathe of researchers which