Fields Notes 17:2 | Page 18

A PARADE OF PROJECTIONS “From geometric exercise we get things that are more and more artistic” Carlo Séquin G 3D eometry has been in Carlo Séquin’s blood since the 11th grade, when one of his assignments was to construct the lines of intersection between two cylinders. This early assignment – to represent a mathematical concept as a tangible object – was the beginning of Séquin’s fascination with, what he calls, artistic geometry. 4D 5D In his Bridges lecture, Séquin explained how all five regular 3D polyhedra (such as the cube) can be constructed from 2D regular polygons (6 squares make up a cube). From 2D to 3D this is easily visualized, but what about in higher dimensions? Although geometric reasoning can show convincingly that there are exactly six regular polytopes (higher dimension equivalent of a polyhedron) in 4D that can be constructed from 3D polyhedra, you will understandably have a harder time picturing this. To visualize 4D objects, we need to rely on wireframe projections—