Field Guide: Amphibians of Manu | Page 78

Pristimantis fenestratus Pristimantis fenestratus Scientific synonyms/Sinónimos científicos: Eleutherodactylus fenestratus Common names/Nombres comunes: Rio Mamore robber frog/Cutín del Río Mamore** Description: This large Pristimantis typically has a light brown dorsum, but can vary and be darker. The dorsum presents reddish tubercles. It usually has a dark postorbital stripe. Some individuals can show a light longitudinal stripe along the dorsum. The venter is smooth and white, with some dark flecks on the throat. The posterior surfaces of the thighs are the same colour as the dorsum. Similar species: The size, the white smooth venter, the reddish tubercles in the dorsum, and the lack of any distinctive colouration in the groin and posterior surfaces of the thighs should be enough to identify this species. Habitat and ecology: This terrestrial frog is active both diurnally and nocturnally, but is more likely to be found at night. It is thought that juveniles are usually diurnal and adults are nocturnal. It feeds on invertebrates, such as orthopterans, ants and spiders. Males are territorial. It lays two clutches in the rainy season, each one composed of between 10 and 20 eggs. It ranges up to 1900 m. At the MLC: This frog is found mainly along the large streams in the reserve, which seem to be its favoured habitat. Individuals have also been found around the MLC facilities. It was found once in the Piñi Piñi range at 1000 m asl far away from any stream. IUCN Status: Least Concern. Stable. (Ver 3.1) Descripción: Típicamente esta gran Pristimantis tiene un dorso marrón claro, pero que puede variar y ser más oscuro. El dorso presenta tubérculos rojizos. Hay, normalmente, una banda postorbital oscura. Algunos individuos pueden mostrar una banda longitudinal clara a lo largo del dorso. El vientre es liso y blanco con algo de moteado oscuro en la garganta. Las superficies posteriores de los muslos son el mismo color que el dorso. Especies similares: El tamaño, el vientre liso blanco, los tubérculos rojizos en el dorso, y el que no tenga ninguna coloración característica en la ingle y en las superficies posteriores de los muslos debería ser suficiente para identificar es