Field Guide: Amphibians of Manu Field Guide: Amphibians of Manu | Page 278

Bibliography / Bibliografía

Ron , S . R . & Read , M . 2012d . Hypsiboas lanciformis . In : Ron , S . R ., Guayasamin , J . M ., Yanez-Muñoz , M . H . & Merino-Viteri , A . ( eds .) AmphibiaWebEcuador . Version 2013.1 . Museo de Zoología , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador . http :// zoologia . puce . edu . ec / vertebrados / anfibios / FichaEspecie . aspx ? Id = 1320 . Accesed on / Acceso 16 October 2013 .
Ron , S . R . & Read , M . 2012e . Phyllomedusa palliata . In : Ron , S . R ., Guayasamin , J . M ., Yanez-Muñoz , M . H . & Merino-Viteri , A . ( eds .) AmphibiaWebEcuador . Version 2013.1 . Museo de Zoología , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador . http :// zoologia . puce . edu . ec / vertebrados / anfibios / FichaEspecie . aspx ? Id = 1338 . Accesed on / Acceso 16 October 2013 .

Amphibians of the Manu Learning Centre

Ron , S . R . & Read , M . 2012f . Scinax funereus . In : Ron , S . R ., Guayasamin , J . M ., Yanez-Muñoz , M . H . & Merino-Viteri , A . ( eds .) AmphibiaWebEcuador . Version 2013.1 . Museo de Zoología , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador . http :// zoologia . puce . edu . ec / vertebrados / anfibios / FichaEspecie . aspx ? Id = 1344 . Accesed on / Acceso 16 October 2013 .
Ron , S . R . & Read , M . 2012g . Scinax garbei . In : Ron , S . R ., Guayasamin , J . M ., Yanez-Muñoz , M . H . & Merino-Viteri , A . ( eds .) AmphibiaWebEcuador . Version 2013.1 . Museo de Zoología , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador . http :// zoologia . puce . edu . ec / vertebrados / anfibios / FichaEspecie . aspx ? Id = 1345 . Accesed on / Acceso 16 October 2013 .
Ron , S . R ., Venegas , P . J , Toral , E ., Read , M ., Ortíz , M . A . & Manzano , A . L . 2012 . Systematics of the Osteocephalus buckleyi species complex ( Anura , Hylidae ) from Ecuador and Peru . ZooKeys 229 : 1-52 .
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Sabagh , L . T ., Mello , R . D . S ., & Rocha , C . F . D . 2012 . Food niche overlap between two sympatric leaf-litter frog species from Central Amazonia . Zoologia ( Curitiba ) 29 ( 1 ): 95-98 .
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Serrano-Rojas , J ., Villacampa , J . & Whitworth , A . 2016 . Notes on the reproduction of Kentropyx altamazonica ( Squamata : Teiidae ) and Imantodes lentiferus ( Serpentes : Dipsadidae ) from southeast Peru . Phyllomedusa 15 ( 1 ): 69-73
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Schalk , C . M ; Montaña , C . G ., Klemish , J . L . & Wild , E . R . 2014 . On the Diet of the Frogs of the Ceratophryidae : Synopsis and New Contributions . South American Journal of Herpetology 9 ( 2 ): 90-105 .
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