Fete Lifestyle Magazine September 2017 Family Issue | Page 28

Beautiful Skin

How to Keep It In the Family

& Not Break the Bank

onsumers of every age are now buying more beauty products than ever! With social media and TV exposure, everyone wants perfect skin. Consumers are looking for do-it-yourself masks, peels, and many other anti-aging products that bring instant gratification. But where do you begin? Masks are always fun to shop for, but there are so many to choose from. It’s best to find one to help with your current skin concerns. Three of the top skin concerns are acne/oily skin, dry skin, and aging. There are a wide variety of

products for these

concerns, but when

you have multiple

family members in

your household, you

have to find products

that work well for

everyone and don't

break the bank.

are some of the

most popular and

effective products

/kits that I came

across, that are age



By Josie Volpentesta