Fete Lifestyle Magazine May 2017 Health & Fitness Issue | Page 37


Saline nasal sprays and gels also aid in keeping the membranes moist. Using a humidifier can also be essential to combat the dry winter air and your best bet is to keep it running in your bedroom at all times. But hydrating from the inside is also key. You’ve always heard the rule that to be healthy you need to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day? Well, drinking ample water also keeps your mucous membrane moist and healthy. And you know what doesn’t help? Coffee, alcohol and dairy. Coffee and alcohol dehydrate you, while dairy products can thicken the mucous membrane causing congestion. At least while you do have sinus problems it’s best to avoid those three.

So there you have it. A few little tricks to help you fight cold, flu and allergies this season. Take care of your nose! Keep it warm, keep it clean and keep it moist.