Femme Plus March 2017 | Page 48




Photographer : Robert Grandberry Jr . of Huntsville Alabama Wardrobe Stylist : Sharonda Grandberry
Body positivity in my opinion is , truly loving the skin you ’ re in flaws and all . You must mentally embrace all of your physical attributes that God has given and you . Love yourself regardless of what anyone has to say or how society portrays what beauty is . I remember when I was in the military and each time after a physical fitness testing session I would go through what the military called a “ Tape Test ”, this test is to see if your height and weight aligns with your body fat composition . Although I would pass the physical strength portion of the fitness test there were times I could not pass the “ Tape Test ”, because of my large curves (“ hips ”). I ’ ve always had curves regardless of how much I ’ ve weighed . I felt like a failure during those times . I would even become temporary bulimic or starve myself in hopes of dropping a few pounds in order to pass the tape test , boy was I wrong ! My body structure is who I am . My body was created this way . In 2014 , I finally said , “ Enough is enough ”. I will never be thin , I wasn ’ t born to be thin ! I am beautiful just the way I am . I don ’ t have any health issues . I love every ounce of me , all 200 + lbs .