Femme Plus March 2017 | Page 26



With warmer seasons right around the corner If you are anything like me , you can ’ t wait for trips to the beach , BBQs with friends and family , and most of all lots and lots of swimming . Now , I ’ ve been part mermaid since I discovered water at a really young age . Good luck trying to get me out of the water once I found it . And I know there are a lot of readers out there who feel the same . But sadly , there are some of you out there who allow insecurities keep you from enjoying summer and stuck on dry land . Trips to the beach become finding ways to roll up those jeans so your legs don ’ t show , or light weight enough shrugs to cover your arms so they don ’ t show . Basically the only part of you thats going to be enjoying the water is your feet and ankles am I right ? I remember when I was around 19 getting ready to go to the beach with my best friends wearing basically high water jeans ; labeled as “ capris ,” a tank top so long it could have been a nightgown , and a short sleeve cotton cardigan us bigger girls learn to keep as a staple to “ hide ” our upper arms . So here I am , beach ready ( lol ) bare ankles and all when my older brother asks me where I ’ m going dressed like that . “ Its 100 degrees outside why are you wearing a jacket thing ? Take that off !” He told me . “ Ummm i ’ m going to the beach and I don ’ t want people to know I ’ m fat so I ’ m covering my arms .” He then walked over to me ever so sweetly and placed his hand on my back and told me something that would literally change my life . “ Angelique , you are going to the BEACH , you should be in a bathing suit for crying out loud . And you know I love you , but wether or not you keep that jacket thing on , people are going to know your fat . Why be fat and miserable ??” It was as if a light bulb went off inside my head ! Ever since that day , I no longer am that person sitting on the beach not enjoying the water , missing out on making memories , sweating to death because I ’ m insecure about my body . For most of my life I ’ ve always been asked “ How are