Femme Plus January 2017 | Page 40

The End

Women struggling with infertility, women going through miscarriages, losing their babies to stillbirths, SIDS, I mean you name it. I remember going through the loss of my babies and I had no pillar of strength, I had no one to help tell me what to do or guide me on how to feel. At least I thought I didn't. I thought I had some how out smarted God by staying asleep and ignoring him, but tsk tsk tsk. Not at all.

It almost embarrasses me to think about my behavior after my children passed away. I read these stories in the bible like Sarah and Abraham, which Ive read plenty of times before but yet now I am really able to put myself in their shoes. And I think about how much faith they had in God, and how much patience! Sheesh! If only I could have a fraction of that.

Its not a glass slipper, a powerful sword, or a magic lamp that keeps me going everyday after losing my babies. Its faith. Its faith in knowing that the author of MY fairytale, never makes mistakes. Never has typos, never needs reprints, and doesn't use editors. Life is going to happen, you will be locked in the dungeon, you will get lost on your way to grandmothers house, and there will be fire breathing dragons to slay. Thats just the way life is. But you don't have to be locked away, helpless, lost, angry, broken, and scared all by yourself. You have an author who has not only written your fairytale, but is the knight in shining armor in the story as well. HE will protect you, HE will guide you, HE will comfort you and most importantly HE will restore your faith when you have none left.

So perhaps that o’l first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage thing didn’t exactly go as I had originally thought. And perhaps my fairytale doesn't read like Cinderella’s, Snow White’s, or even The Little Mermaid’s. But I have faith that remains unshakable and a trust in Gods plan that exceeds anything I could have ever imagined. And that to me, is greater than any happily ever after.

About The Author: Angelique Robles | Instagram: @frenchfriesandfairytales |

Blog: www.FrenchFriesandFairytales.Weebly.com | Facebook: @FrenchFriesAndFairytales

The End