Femme Plus January 2017 | Page 16

at all cost and kept silent most of the time. This pregnancy went full term go figure and it wasn’t until after my sweet Alizabeth looked me straight in the eye when she was born with the most pure angelic magical moment look that I realized something had to change.

It took lots of time for me to truly accept the skin I’m in. I am in my mid 30’s and I FINALLY can say that I am healed. I have found acceptance of my body. Lots of practice, patience, and prayer. When I say prayer I don’t mean that lightly. I prayed everyday to God for guidance and understanding. I did lots of journaling and spent lots of time in the mirror. It sounds silly but the more I starred at myself the more I started to notice things that I liked about myself and I would repeat these positive body affirmations to myself every morning as I was getting dressed and ready to start my day. It’s a slow learning process to self acceptance. It doesn’t happen overnight and it’s a battle that lots of women go through whether being skinny, curvy, short or tall. I remember the day that I stood in the mirror ran my hands across my scared tummy and thick legs and suddenly understood that I, like every individual on this planet, am unique, and that is the greatest gift. I sobbed and sobbed thanking Jesus that I was at this time able to have birthed five beautiful healthy babies. It was like the bulb finally switched on, once I accepted myself, and that nobody had a body like mine I felt powerful, and confident….YES! When I say powerful I don’t mean that in an egotistical way. I mean it in a very self loving way which makes it so beautiful

To this very day I am modeling! Plus size, flaws and all. I have been told ‘No’ by so many people and industries, but it doesn’t stop me anymore - No one gets to decide my future and my happiness. It feels so good to be doing what I love with the support of my husband, my kids and most importantly God by my side encouraging me. There is something that makes my heart smile when I see a girl or women embrace their bodies not caring what society has to say about it. I think more women need to come together and support one another and encourage and push body positive movements.

It feels so good to love yourself and it creates a powerful mind and the ability for you to make moves you were once afraid to make. You start thinking outside the box and pursuing goals without any hesitance. You become strong and able to deal with anything that life throws your way. I’m not saying that life will magically be fantastic and that everything will go your way without any struggles in between but I’m saying that you will be able to deal with things in a more positive way. Self love and body acceptance is such a wonderful thing. You look at life through a different lens. I always tell my girls that they need to love themselves before they can love others. It’s about loving the whole package you are blessed with inside and out. I say that because when you love yourself it’s easy to love and accept others and when you feel that felling you want to share it and it becomes contagious to others around you. People will want to know your secret to always being happy and joyful. That gives you the opportunity to help others and spread body positive and self love. Imagine if all women came together to promote body love. We could reach thousands of girls and turn them into powerful self loving women and that is my ultimate goal. To empower, encourage and reach out to women and girls to let go and accept themselves, to love themselves and the beautiful body they are blessed with…then go and rock every inch of it with a head held high and a smile on their face.

I am doing exceptionally well to this day and yes I still have to practice body love and I’m ok with that. It’s a constant obstacle we must push

I prayed everyday to God for guidance and understanding

About The Author: Joleen Green Model: Joleen Green | Social Media : @pinup_fit

Website: thejoleengreen.com