Femme Plus August 2017 | Page 7

C ONTRIBU T OR S ship leader for over 15 years and managed a family, she is pas- sionate about help- ing others walk through their own mental wellness journey, learn who they are in God and become em- powered individuals who empower others to walk in the fullness of Christ. M iriam Miles is a writer and speak- er advocating for bet- ter mental health and wellness for Chris- tians and the founder of The Book Triage Centre, helping au- thors get their books completed and into print. Her personal journey includes a di- agnosis of Bipolar 2 Disorder, Generalised Anxiety and Panic Dis- order and Emotional Dysregulation. Having lived with and managed a multifac- eted mental illness di- agnosis over 20 years, run two small busi- nesses, been a wor- Website www.christianmental- wellness.com.au Facebook h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e - book.com/christian- mentalwellnessaus- tralia/ Instagram @ ch r i s t i a n m e n t a l - wellnessau Email christianmentalwell- [email protected] Phone 0410874674 Personal website w w w. m i r i a m m i l e s. com Business website www.booktriagecen- tre.com S hadaria A. Allison is the compelling au- thor of three published manuscripts, motivation- al speaker, actress, and plus sized model/brand ambassador. Owner of ROSEGOLD cosmetics, LLC. A beauty consulting business geared to stew- ard the female communi- ty with counsel, styling, and collective freelance services. She has been reputed M y name is Alle. I’m 21 years old. I study psychology at a tiny Christian college in the to be a “razor sharp” voice of truth, activist / advocate for women, and charismatic leader of her time. Diverse- ly gifted in the “arts”, Shadaria Allison has the components of a star, with a bona-fide sense of humility and wisdom be- yond her years. For Bookings and Inqui- ries: Website:sha090386.wix- site.com/shadariaallison/ bio **Books are available for direct order on Amazon. com Email: sha090386@ gmail.com Facebook: Shadaria Alli- son IG: shadaria_Allison middle of nowhere, In- diana, but I was born and raised in central Il- linois. I love Jesus, my puppy, iced coffee, re- ality TV, Mexican food and Target. My favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 31:25- “she is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future.” Blog: www.roleyalle.com page 7