Femme Plus August 2017 | Page 24

Have you ever used THE WORD


Yes , always , there were many times in my life especially when I was younger where I struggled to see what others saw in me . I remember hearing “ you ’ re so pretty ” and feeling like a million bucks and then hearing “ you have so much potential and talent ” and being fearful that I wasn ’ t good enough . I felt like I didn ’ t have everything I needed to do all that God had destined me to do and become because friends and family around me were in my own definition “ much more successful ” academically or physically . I always put myself down when I was alone . It was during those times of confusion and self-loathing that I found comfort in Gods word , Gods relentless pursuit of me ! It finally hit me one day as I was listening to “ you won ’ t relent ” by Jesus Culture and reading ( Song of Solomon 8:6-7 ) where Jesus calls us his bridegroom and tells us to set him as a seal upon our hearts because love is greater than death and the trials we face , & I just told myself on every bad day that pain may endure for a night but JOY comes in the morning ! page 24