Feedback Magazine 8 - Summer Magazine | Page 4

Tenacious Tigers Paragon Paragon has done it again. With two eight days this week we are preparing ourselves for our limo to awards. Of course we'd prefer a pony driven carriage but Michael won't fit into a stirrup. So for now, we will stick with our limo. Keep looking up to us Prancing Ponies. ;) Night out saw the ponies Mary vomming everywhere before climbing into our mighty fine Peters bed. But at least she made it to a bed... Akhil. Enough said. Those guys are a mess. Paragon on the other day, in illustrious glory, rose above it. They had a beautiful meal with John at Yummy Yummy. This inspired us for our second 8 day. Massive thanks for his wise words of wisdom... And wallet ;) Shame the ponies were not good enough to get out of the barn and away from their hay. Indestructibles The indestructibles are indestructible as always. United we stand, divided we fall. The only way to storm the end is by sticking together and with a positive attitude. We can do it because we ?[Y]?H?H?[??] ???