February 2019 CHHRC | Page 5

Q: What is the mission of TheraSport and why has your company been so successful ?

A: Our mission is simple - It is to empower our patients to overcome there impairments and disabilities. We are committed to enhancing the lives of the individuals we treat and to the betterment of our communities. TheraSport has been successful because of our patient centered approach to care that involves a detailed assessment, examination and treatment plan. We truly strive for excellence and an exceptional patient experience at every phase of care.

Q: Any company highlights from 2018?

A: Jenn and I were humbled to receive the Best of Physical Therapy Washington Township Award for 2018. We are truly thankful and very appreciative to our patients and clients who voted for us. We are also very fortunate to have a great team that supports us administratively and clinically.

Q: What makes TheraSport different from any of the other Physical Therapy Practice?

A: Our clinicians assess and treat at a very high level. We are one of the few Physical Therapy Practices that has Certified Specialists in Orthopedics, Spine and Vestibular Physical Therapy. Certified and Board Certified Specialists undergo many additional years of intensive training in there respective specialties. Generally, setting them apart from there peers.

Q: Tell us about Steve and why he will be a good fit for CHHRC?

A: Steve joined TheraSport in May of 2014. He is an extremely competent clinician and absolutely loves what he does. It's honestly hard to find clinicians that have his level of enthusiasm for Physical Therapy and helping others. Steve has an expertise in treating orthopedic, spine and post-concussive conditions. His current areas of research and interest include blood flow restriction, mechanical diagnosis and therapy (MDT) , post-concussive disorders and the overhead athlete.

Q: What is Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT)?

A: MDT, also known as the McKenzie Method, is a systematic and detailed assessment and treatment process for the spine and extremities. It is an internationally renowned and evidenced based approach to the treatment of musculo-skeletal disorders.

Q: Do you need a Physician prescription for Physical Therapy?

A: Great question! You do not need a prescription for Physical Therapy for the first 30 days of treatment.