February 19, 2021 | Page 3

February 19 , 2021
Sold Out
■ Continued from p 1■
Our forefathers bled and died for freedom of worship . But today men peddle out compromise and sell those God-given victories as though they cost nothing . We have become soft and are resting on the laurels won by our forefathers in their suffering .
In desert lands it is a common practice to place a heavy stone over young , sprouting palm trees . This pressure drives the roots of a tree down through the sand to the water beneath . Then when droughts come , it can withstand them .
After the roots have reached a plenteous fountain , they shoot the tree several hundred feet into the air . Our souls need burdens upon them to drive the roots of faith through the dry , thick sands of the desert into the fountain of living water which flows out of the very throne of God .
One would think the Prodigal Son had everything in the world he could wish for . But one day he ruthlessly shook his father ’ s hand of wisdom from his shoulders , took his belongings and went into a foreign country .
By and by he awoke , away from home , broke , friendless , with his health gone . He made the sad discovery that he had sold himself “ for nought .”
Every sin has its penalty . Galatians 6:7 tells us , “ Be not deceived ; God is not mocked : for whatsoever a man soweth , that shall he also reap .” Again , “ For the wages of sin is death ; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord ” ( Rom . 6:23 ).
Benedict Arnold “ sold out ” to the enemy . His devilish plan fell through . Years passed ; he was despised by the world . No one wanted him
Editor ’ s Notes
■ Continued from p 2■
with all of the COVID issues . He has been quite creative and con - tinues to make adjustments to what they do and how they do it . At this moment they are moving incrementally toward having every - thing put back in full operation , but they are using every conceivable safety precaution .
Dr . Joe Arthur ( Jonesboro , Georgia ) preached Monday and Tuesday . Dr . Rick Savage ( Jackson , Tennessee ) preached Wednesday night and Thursday morning . Then I had Thursday night , Friday mor - ning and Friday evening .
The day services were a repeat of the night services to accommodate the seating with social distancing .
Even though we did not have the normal turnout of preachers and area visitors , the Madison Baptist Church family were in their places all week . Every service was alive and strong .
The Madison Baptist Spanish Church has a church plant under - way in Arab , Alabama ( forty miles from Madison ). COVID has pushed a lot of people into corners where they did not want to be , but Madison Baptist is demonstrating that the work should go on . As you think of them , pray that this new work will get off to a strong start .
It is always a blessing to be with Brother Allison and the Madison Baptist Church . around him . The English govern - ment that gave him refuge would not trust him .
Time came for Arnold to die . He was broken both in health and spirit . He said to the nurse , “ Hand me my old uniform and let me die in it . God forgive me for ever putting on any other .” It was too late , but he discovered that he had sold himself for nought .
Poor Cyrus ! How he sinned and then paid the price . He sold himself for nought . The tragedy was Cyrus was never redeemed . He wrote his own epitaph . Here it is : “ I am Cyrus ; I occupied the Persian Em - pire . I was King of Asia . Begrudge me not this moment .” The world in later years plowed up his sepulcher .
“ For what shall it profit a man , if he shall gain the whole world , and lose his own soul ?
“ Or what shall a man give in ex - change for his soul ?”— Mark 8:36 , 37 .
Men are selling their souls to the world and for the things of the world . But when they come to the end of the way , the world does not pay off .
Dr . Talmage said , “ I went to see a worldling die .… I found his death chamber adorned with tapestry until it seemed as if the clouds of the setting sun had settled in the room . The man had given forty years to the world — his wit , his time , his genius , his talent , his soul .
“ Did the world come in to stand by his deathbed and , clearing off the vials of bitter medicine , put down any compensation ? Oh , no ! The world does not like the sick and dying people and leaves them in the lurch .”
II . Coercively Sold
When we think of this , our minds turn to Germany , Russia and other nations hostile to worshippers of Jehovah . Modern nations have exploited and sold Jewry into pov -
The Gary Barnes Funeral
Early in the predawn hours of January 27 , Evangelist Gary Barnes , our friend of many years , gradu - ated to Heaven . He was the dad of David , Evan , Shannan and Rachel — the Barnes Family Singers — who sing in many of our Sword of the Lord meetings .
On January 30 , his pastor , Dr . Doug Anderson , and I preached the funeral service in Roopville , Georgia . Dr . Lonnie Moore con - ducted the graveside service in Carrollton , Georgia .
A good group gathered , including 35 – 40 pastors , to honor Brother Gary and to express their love to his family . The Lord gave us a revival-type service which is what the family wanted .
This and That
It has been a privilege for me to preach most of the services in January for our pastor , Dr . David Sumner . His recovery from knee replacement surgery has been slower than anticipated , so with me out of town only one Sunday during the month , it was my delight to fill the pulpit for him .
Although my front yard has turned green with fresh sprouts of grass ( February 1 ), this morning we are getting a light ( one-inch or so ) snow on top of everything . Someone at church told me it was “ a designer snow ” because the landscape turns beautiful but the roads stay clear . That ’ s my kind of snow !
Betty has been much improved over the last week or so . She is
erty and slavery . Thousands are homeless ; some have had their children snatched from them , not knowing where they were taken .
Sometimes the family by sin is sold into bondage . The head of a family that does not lead the family out to church attendance and worship is jeopardizing the future of that family . Sometimes dirty politicians by sin sell the people ’ s freedom and the state ’ s good name .
In 1927 Charles Lindbergh flew from New York to Paris . This was one of the greatest adventures of all time . The world , as it were , fell at the feet of the daring flier . He not only set a new flying record , but he also taught a much-needed lesson in self-effacement . Movie and advertising offers came by the scores . “ Gentlemen ,” he said , “ I am not for sale .”
Barton was offered a fabulous salary to write exclusively for an unscrupulous publisher . He refused . He declared that he believed that the mysterious gift of writing is from God and is often lost or withdrawn .
It is refreshing to find men like Barton and Lindbergh when so many put everything for sale . They refused to “ sell out .” Thank God for men who still ring true ; men who won ’ t sell out and who have the old-time religious faith . There are men who believe the Bible and cling to the promises of God .
III . Redemption Provided
Teeming millions have by sin sold themselves into bondage . With the Greeks who came to Jesus , they are saying , “ We would see Jesus ” ( John 12:21 ). Like the wise men who followed the star from the East , they are looking for the Christ who came to save the lost . He gives real life .
Many have backslidden . Jehovah ’ s accusation against Israel was , “ My
mobile again , although her knee is not quite one hundred percent yet .
Some folks in some fields of endeavor consider winter “ a slow season .” When it comes to the work here at the Sword of the Lord , we do not really have a slow season . Maybe the week between Christmas and New Year ’ s could be considered slow , but the intensity of our labors remains full throttle almost every day .
With deadlines for the paper , our book production and ministering to people who write and call , every day is busy ; but it is a blessed adventure . We are thankful for the goodness of the Lord in entrusting so great a task to us .
These are not easy days in the world of 2021 ; but we are still thrilled in the Lord , happy to be saved and excited to serve the Lord each and every day .
We need to keep our eyes wide open to the state of our nation and the world , but we cannot be intimidated by the bad news . Let ’ s give the Lord our best even in the times of stress .
As ‘ we lift up our eyes ’ ( Ps . 121:1 ) we are encouraged , strengthened , motivated and charged to be strong , stay faithful and give the Lord our full energy and devotion .
God bless you . Do stay in touch . people are bent to backsliding from me ” ( Hos . 11:7 ). Once God meant something to them ; now it is different . Like Israel , they have by sin sold themselves into bondage .
Have you ever asked yourself how it was that while the prodigal lad on his return journey was yet “ a long way off ” his father saw him ? The servants didn ’ t see him , his elder brother didn ’ t see him , but his father saw him .
Well , I believe the answer is this : that every day the father used to walk to some spot which com - manded a view of the road to the far country . He used to linger there around that spot . His friends and neighbors used to wonder why he went there so often .
He went there because his heart was sad with the wayward son of his and he yearned for his return . That is why . While he was still afar off , his father saw him . That is just an illustration of how God feels toward men .
“ We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ ” ( Rom . 14:10 ). As Mel Trotter would say , “ When we stand before God the great question which He will ask us will be , ‘ What have you done with the blood of Christ ?’ ” Many have trampled it underfoot .
Recently I sat at the breakfast table with a “ minister ” who men - tioned a civic worker who depends upon his morals to save him . He added , “ God will surely owe that man a debt .”
But salvation is of grace . Men do not go to Heaven because they are good , nor do they go to Hell because they are bad . God does not owe man anything for being moral . Neither can a man out of Christ get nearer to God by his good works .
Redemption has been provided as a gift of God ( Rom . 6:23 ).
William Booth started the Salva - tion Army after and as a result of seeing an infidel talking to a crowd of listeners in London Park . He was making fun of them for their meager faith in their God .
He said , “ If I were a Christian and believed what Christians profess to believe — that is that there is a Heaven to which men may be saved and that there is a Hell to which all unbelievers will be most certainly damned — if I believed that , I would not stop day or night to warn men away from Hell and win them to Heaven .”
An unsaved university student was taking breakfast in the home of a college friend . He sat quietly and talked of his ambition to be -
March 7 ( Sunday a . m . & p . m .)
Clays Mill Baptist Church 1220 Brannon Road Nicholasville , Kentucky
Jeff Fugate , pastor 859-277-6811
March 15 – 16 ( Monday – Tuesday )
Shalom Baptist Church 3400 Morgan Road Orion , Michigan
David Carr , pastor 248-391-0443 come a lawyer . The soul-minded mother listened to his story of wanting fame and money , but she said nothing .
When the young visitor was leaving , the mother shook hands with him and left a note in his hand . When he reached his room , he opened it and read , “ For what is a man profited , if he shall gain the whole world , and lose his own soul ?” ( Matt . 16:26 ).
It pierced his heart and he was saved . He accepted the redemption provided for him by Christ on Calvary ’ s cross .
Talmage one day pointedly asked , “ I wonder what proportion of this audience will be saved . What proportion will be lost ?… Out of this audience today , how many will get to the shore of Heaven ?”
The yearning heart of a Father God cries out , “ Ye have sold your - selves for nought ; and ye shall be redeemed without money .” This redemption was completed when Christ , on Calvary ’ s cross , cried out , “ It is finished ” ( John 19:30 ).
But the invitation to lost man is , “ And the Spirit and the bride say , Come . And let him that heareth say , Come . And let him that is athirst come . And whosoever will , let him take the water of life freely ” ( Rev . 22:17 ).
Come Today ; Do Not Delay
You have read Brother Brown ’ s sermon and heard the cry of the Holy Spirit of God saying , “ Come .” Has the blood of Jesus Christ been applied to your heart ? Do you know its cleansing power in the forgiveness of your sins — past , present and future ?
That precious blood will wash away your sins when you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior . He , the perfect Lamb of God , died in our place . His sub stitutionary death pays the full price of our sins . You may be saved today .
If you would like to trust Jesus Christ as your Savior , then pray a prayer like this one :
Dear God , I know I ’ m a sinner . I believe Jesus Christ died for me . Right now I trust Him as my Savior . I believe that His death on the cross pays for all my sins and His blood washes away all my sins . I am trusting Him to take me to Heaven when I die . Amen .
If you have trusted Christ as your Savior as a result of reading this message , please write to me so that I may pray for you .
Decision Form
Dr . Shelton Smith Sword of the Lord P . O . Box 1099 Murfreesboro , TN 37133 editorial @ swordofthelord . com
Dear Dr . Smith :
I have read the message “ Sold Out ” by John Daniel Brown . Realiz - ing that I am a sinner and believing that Jesus Christ died for me , I have trusted Him as my Savior .
Please pray for me as I set out to live the Christian life .
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